Questions, but Few Answers...

See how incoherent I get when I even think about George W.? I got all verklempt up there, and I would apologize, but until we get a new president, I don't think I have it in me.

Anyhoo, moving on and lowering the blood pressure...

Here is my current life, in questions:

Why is my son scared of the dark again?

Will you do me a favor and go to J's blog and give her and her mom some support after her mother's bypass surgery?

Why are incompetent people always in charge?

Why is my car always so filled with papers?

Why is Ben Bernanke going to lower interest rates and cause stagflation? Who is he trying to protect?

Did you know I bought a pair of awesome Converse sneakers for myself for ten bucks?

And why can't we have a Dillards here in SoCal?

Why do birthday parties seem to always come in bunches?

Why is it that I can never manage to do my nails without some sort of smudge?

Why did it take me so long to realize that doing my nails in a lighter color would minimize the look of said smudges?

Why is it 84 degrees in February?

Why don't I just end this now?


Grr. I've had constant birthday parties from January until next Thursday. I'm looking forward to having my weekends back.
Awesome Mom said…
My answer to all those questions is: because
captain corky said…
I don't know if I'm going to be able to hand the birthday party scene in a couple of years. I might have to go see a shrink about this...
Laura said…
You can't have Dillard's because you have In-N-Out Burgers and that would be wrong. It would upset the balance or something. It's either the fashion or the food. Could you spare about 20 of those degrees for us poor MidWesterners? I forgot the worst part. We don't have Dillards either
Anvilcloud said…
I think I'd enjoy an 84° day right now, but your questions are too hard on my brain. Ouch.
Autumn's Mom said…
We don't have Dillards either. Well, maybe there is one somewhere up here..but what is all the fuss about??? I like the mothership (Macy's) just fine ;)

Awesome about the $10 converse. Spring is sprung...and it makes me want to SHOP!!! Strange, it should make me want to be outside, but it doesn't.
J said…
Dillard's is great, I agree. And in Stockton, pit that it is, they have both Dillard's AND In 'N Out.

Thanks for the good wishes with my mom.

Congrats on the shoes!
Maternal Mirth said…
I NEED to know where you got the Converse and were they Chuck Taylors? High or low top? And what color?

GREAT taste in shoes, mama ...
Beenzzz said…
Birthday parties do some in bunches!!!! Weird, isn't it? Oh an another question:

"Why can't humans hybernate?" I always feel like crap from December to about the end of February. If I could just hybernate I could skip all the crap!!!
dgm said…
Do not, I repeat, DO NOT trash the 84 degree weather in February or we will have your SoCal citizenship revoked.

Someone had to say it.
Hope said…
Why is my son scared of the dark again?
Developmentally, children will take a few steps backwards before they take a giant leap forward. This is really apparent around 5 or so , just before they are taking giant steps of starting school, being more independent.

It's either that, or you've earned yourself a "Bad Parent Award "
and let him watch scary TV. ;)
Unknown said…
Birthday parties always come in bunches because folks only procreate a few times of the year.

True story. :-)
Cherry said…
I would like to know why I'm still scared of the dark! I cannot walk through the house without turning on the lights as I go. I fully blame it on The Creep Show.

I hear ya about Dillards. I didn't grow up with them, but anytime I've shopped at one (online or brink & mortar) I've found some finds for great deals.

I hear ya on the nails! But I'm loving the fact that I've broken out the flip flops! Woo Hoo! (I totally need to paint the ol'tooties)
Nance said…
We have Dillard's but we have to slog through 10 inches of snow and 18 degree temps to get there. Quitcher bitchin. LOL LOL.

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