Music Monday

For some reason, although I am obviously a woman, I have not found myself drawn much to women singer/songwriters. Performers such as Fiona Apple, Alanis Morrissette, and Tori Amos have limited appeal for me, although I certainly like some of their songs. Sarah McLaughlan, Alicia Keyes, and Annie Lennox are the three that really stand out to me, and they all happen to have very strong, deep voices. For women, anyway.

It tends to be Hubba-hubba that likes high, breathy female vocals. So when I first heard this song by Vanessa Carlton, I was tempted not to like it just because she sounds so young and, well, high-pitched. I'm an old, bitter hag, I know. You don't have to remind me.

But after listening to this song more than a few times, I decided I liked it. Intrigued by the lyrics, I found out that she had written it about a young girl she met who had cancer. After reading that, I can't listen to it without a tear coming to my eye. Damn that talented Vanessa for making me cry!

Oh, and the video itself is beyond boring, but at least they were kind enough to put the lyrics up.


Anonymous said…
My fav is Michelle Branch, but Vanessa's new album is actually quite good. Have you heard her cover of "Where the Streets Have No Name?" It's surprisingly good!
Ted said…
Oops! The anonymous comment above is me.
Anvilcloud said…
I am one of those people to whom the lyrics are an after thought; it's almost all about the melody for me. So, this one doesn't cut it for me. Different strokes, eh? And that's okay.
I heart Sarah McLachlan, but have recently found Vanessa Carlton as well.. never seen the video though. Hmm.
Awesome Mom said…
So um Gina if you want me to be able to actually mail the elephant to you I highly recommend that you email me your address. My psychic powers are not quite as extensive as you think they are.
Nance said…
Oh, Gina, I just had to laugh when you characterized yourself as an old bitter hag.

Welcome to the club!!! LOL.
dgm said…
What? No Natalie Merchant? No Margo Timmins? I like Alanis and Tori and Sarah (usually), and Fiona's okay. But Natalie and Margo have deeeeep velvet voices and wonderful lyrics.
Heidi said…
My hus also love's a lot more women singers than I do. When we first met he thought because I have such a sweet soft voice that I must surely sing. Ha ha, not at all.

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