Friday Poll

The burning question I have for you is:

Cheesy movie you are embarassed to admit you like?

Come on, we're all friends here...

And J, I think I already know your answer!


Before sunrise/Before sunset

Two movies...but same story. I still love'em.

Scout said…
OK, Somewhere In Time with Christopher Reeves. It's really ridiculous and sentimental and sappy, but I love it.
chichimama said…
Pretty Woman. And You've Got Mail. Perhaps I'll watch that tonight...
Sunshine said…
I'm not embarrassed to admit anything about movies.
I dedicated an entire post to the cheesy awesomeness of the 80s PHENOM "Rad", so I'll go with that, purely for the dance scene on bikes.
Jess T said…
I love Billy Madison.
Autumn's Mom said…
oooh Titanic. Do you still love me??
maddie said…
sweet home alabama. i love it! :) and i am NOT ashamed to admit it. hehehe.
captain corky said…
Grease 2!!! Should have won an Oscar for best picture. And as you know, I find it to be for superior in everyway to it's predecessor. ;)
captain corky said…
As a matter of fact, I wish you were here right now so I could listen to you sing in my ear, You were the one, the one in my dreams, but I never knew it. And then I would sing back to you, I wanted to tell you time and again, but I couldn't do it. And then you would sing back to me, All that you are is all that I need, no more pretending. And then I would sing. Now I can be me and you can be you and we'll never end it.... Chorus.
J said…
Pretty Woman and Flashdance. Oh, how sad.
Gina said…
Ha! I knew you would put Flashdance, J!

And mine?

Well, does anyone remember "The Cutting Edge" where it was an ice princess/rich skater who had to team up wtih an injured hockey player and they hated each other and then of course fell in love?

I am drawn to that movie, I can never turn it off when it's on reruns. Pathetic.
Nance said…
Napoleon Dynamite...wait, is that "cheesy" or is it just bad?

If it doesn't count, then how about Sleepless in Seattle.
captain corky said…
Toe pick. ;)
Autumn's Mom said…
I remember that one!
simplypink said…
Urban Cowboy. Though I'm not really that ashamed to admit. It's Bud and Sissy ya'll! :)
Liz said…
"Reckless" with Darryl Hannah and Aidan Quinn. It's the only cheesy movie Jim and I ever agreed on, 'cause he gets Darryl and I get Aidan. Win, win.

Grrr...3rd time trying to get past your craaazy verification. Gah!!
Hope said…
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm that's a tough one because I'm hard pressed to think ANYTHING I liked was cheesy.
Ortizzle said…
The list is endless. But here's the most recent one I have seen: August Rush. And on more classic lines: When Harry Met Sally. But that's maybe not so cheesy, just a classic chick flick with a great script.
dr sardonicus said…
I think the Shrek movies are pretty cheesy, but I kinda like 'em anyway.
Footloose! I loved Kevin Bacon!! I wanted to be Ariel!!!
Laura said…
Come in closer...Okay...I will confess...just this once... to a slight Lifetime Movie Network addiction. But, I'll deny it.
Quiskaeya said…
Anything with the Brat Pack! But my all time fav - Pretty in Pink! HA!
Cherry said…
OMG, I forgot about that movie! I'm such a sucker for Ice Skating movies. With inspiration from you, I'll go with a more recent one...

Ice Princess

Yes, I still watch Disney films.
Granny said…
Paint Your Wagon (way before your time?).

Is Gone With the Wind considered cheesy?

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