On Strike, Baby

Is it just me or is the blogosphere reeaaalllly quiet lately?

Excluding myself of course. I mean, I'm quiet, but I don't count me because I realized that what I did was strike against myself.

Yup, you heard me right.

That boss Gina, she was a total beeeyotch. She would make me do all sorts of stuff when I could have been playing with my son or sleeping or heck, staring at the wall.

So, one day I decided I had had enough of her, already. I got a Sharpie, used the sides of Mr. P's Christmas toy boxes and got to it.

The first sign proclaimed:

"No sleep, no blog! Gina is a big old hog."

Hmmm, not really making sense. But catchy, though.

The second one wasn't a whole lot better:

"That Gina, she's a weena."

The insults were gratuitous, and sounded just a mite petty. I had to make my voice heard and that show the world that Gina was the big bad corporate oppressor, not just simply a jerk.

"I type all the day and all the night, Gina needs to make it right!"

Uhhh, so far we're still in contract negotiations.

Hubba-hubba brings me pizza now and then, and Mr. P walks with me here in the living room when he gets bored. He thinks it's fun to shout in the house, because normally he isn't allowed.

I'll keep you posted.


Eh...Gina, let's go visit a nice man I know. His name is Dr. Friedman, and he's *great* with people who talk to other people in their heads. Really. You'll really like him. Oh, you, too, Gina.

Heidi :)
Awesome Mom said…
Well just don't wear a hole in your carpet with all the walking in circles and such. You know if you get bored you can always come over and clean my house.
chichimama said…
Oooh! You mean if I declare my strike officially, I'll get pizza? I am soooo with you now!
dgm said…
I want to know how Gina feels about all this.
Gina said…
Gina has no comment.
Heidi said…
I love when I visit someones blog and I realize that they are soo much nearer to crazy than myself, but I am not sure what I would think about that. I'll have to ask. What are we talking about again?
Scout said…
You can't be a blog genius EVERY day. I have been posting but not commenting much this week, so that makes me socially quiet.

Hope the negotiations settle soon.
~Sheryl said…
mmm... pizza!
Ted said…
"Is it just me or is the blogosphere reeaaalllly quiet lately?"

You said it, sister. I've noticed a huge drop off in blog traffic, and many of my bloggy friends aren't really posting much anymore. Hmm.. something's up.
Nance said…
It's winter, it's way after the holidays, it's hibernation time. Everyone's tired and their creativity is low. I really struggled with my last two posts, and I won't post crap. Neither will anyone else, apparently, hence the lag time.
J said…
I've noticed to. Sigh.
Liz said…
Hmmm. I've posted several times since you've visited. I think it's just you.

Very clever post.
Quiskaeya said…
Yay, someone else who talks to themself! lol

Holiday "after" blues, maybe.
Anonymous said…
Um Gina, I think the monkeys have stopped typing now.

It aint Shakespeare, but it seems to be English.....
Mrs. G. said…
I think it's the winter blahs.
Steph said…
Definitely the winter blahs. Hope the strike negotiations are going well! :)
Cherry said…
I haven't been reading or writing since the beginning of the year so I didn't really notice the drop off ;-)

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