Music Monday

I predict you will either really like or really hate this song.

But either way, I bet that chorus will be stuck in your head for the rest of the day!

It took me a while to like this song, and I think the video is pretty interesting.


Nance said…
Inventive viddy, but I'm not a fan of the song.
Ted said…
It's an earworm!
captain corky said…
I'm gonna have to go wash my brain out with Safety Dance now.
Heidi said…
Actually, I don't really not like this song. It does have a catchy chorus and they play it on my favorite radio station
Liz said…
I've never heard it before. Who is it?
dr sardonicus said…
The Kaiser Chiefs, "Ruby".

It's kind of a throwback to about 1983. They don't make power pop like this much anymore.
Not a big fan... sorry.

But I have missed you. Sorry I've been a stranger.

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