As with all young children, for a very long time we parents rely on the old "spell the word out" trick for talking about things in front of them that we don't want them to know. Well, our time seems just about up. Hubba-hubba was trying to tell me about an upcoming event in which Santa would be making an appearance. As Mr. P is very much into Christmas this year, we knew that any mention of Santa would bring a long soliliquoy about how Santa is magic and how he makes the toys and how he has a list and on and on and on. And at that moment, we just didn't feel like hearing it. Don't judge people, don't judge. So, Hubba-hubba spelled out "S-A-N-T-A." "Hey, what did you just say?" said the five year old. "Nothing" lied replied his father. "I know what you said, Daddy! You said Santa!" Anybody know a place that sells semaphore flags?
Actually, I probably possess something ill-gotten, but I've chosen to forgotten to protect the guilty...uh, I mean innocent.
As a kid (who knew better) I took home a stuffed animal I loved SO MUCH from a church nursery. Yes, I know.. I stole from a church! Lightning shall strike me down. But I probably donated it at a later point, so I don't actually still own it. Or did I ever really own it? Hmmm...
I am thinking 'child'.
Cause that kinda shit should be illegal! Well I think that now of course cause Moo is only 2 years younger than I was when I met her father...
And a huge mofo chess piece from a restaurant. Don't know how the hell we got it out!
And somewhere I have books of poetry I stole from my high school library.
When I got out to my car, I pulled out the bins and there it was. I didn't go back and pay for it.
To this day, when I step foot in Target, I think of it.
I am such a goody goody that I WANT to pay for it to make up for it.
Let's just say for now that I knew a number of shady characters back in the day. I wrote about a couple of them on my blog a few weeks back.
Long story short we ended up getting a luxury vehicle at employee discount rate. Yes we were VERY wrong! But dang we sure enjoyed the ride! lol
PS Life is MUCH better now.. living honestly..
and to loosely quote Forest Gump "and that's all I'm saying about that"
how come I have to sign in as
The next morning a woman I barely knew gave me 4 wine glasses that she had PICKED UP in the hallway of the hotel.They had been put out there by guests who were finished with their room service trays.
I didn't know what to do so I kept those glasses but have never been able to actually use them.
I have never seen that woman since or I would have given her the glasses back. I am embarrassed that I didn't have the nerve to refuse them at the time she foisted them off on me...
The next morning a woman I barely knew gave me 4 wine glasses that she had PICKED UP in the hallway of the hotel.They had been put out there by guests who were finished with their room service trays.
I didn't know what to do so I kept those glasses but have never been able to actually use them.
I have never seen that woman since or I would have given her the glasses back. I am embarrassed that I didn't have the nerve to refuse them at the time she foisted them off on me...