Friday Poll

Yesterday I went to the park with Mr. P, and as we sat together on a bench with him on my lap, together we looked at the beautiful blue sky and fast-moving cotton ball clouds.

When was the last time you really looked at the sky and marveled at what was there?


Awesome Mom said…
The last time one of my kids got excited about something that was up in the sky. Kids sure have a way of getting us to appreciate things that we take for granted.
Anonymous said…
Today when the temperature dropped by half (was 105F) as the cool change came through. I have never ever loved a storm sky more. The kids and I just stood there in the gale force winds staring.

It was awesome.
Liz said…
Every night. Because the stars here are amazing at night. Especially in the winter when the leaves are off the trees and I can see more sky.
captain corky said…
I think it was in the early 90's when I was on acid. I'll have to check out the sky when I'm lucid sometime. ;)
dgm said…
Yesterday. I marvel at the sky every day I can see it. Winter skies around here have always been my favorite.

Once you make your beach move, make it a point to check out the sunsets with Mr. P. Frequently my kids will run to out the window and yell for us to come and look at the sunset. Then we all stand there in awe for a few moments. It's wonderful.
Every morning when I drive my daughter to school, the sunrise is so beautiful here.
Anvilcloud said…
I don't know, but I do know it's not the season to sit on park benches up thisaway.
J said…
Whenever I see the stars. We did see a lovely pink sunset the other day as well...lovely. Also a big storm last Friday, that made me marvel at the sky, but not in such a good way. ;)
Heather Plett said…
Just yesterday. Just before leaving the office for the day, I glanced out the window and noticed the pale pink sky of early sunset between the downtown highrises.
Steph said…
Wednesday, on the way to drop J at preschool. The sky was clear and blue below a line of dark storm clouds. I couldn't get enough of it, and kept glancing out. Wished I had a camera with me to capture it...
Scout said…
Actually, it was just last week as I looked at the storm clouds over the Caribbean Sea.
It is good to just stop and see what is all around us. I am usually too busy, but I need to do that more!
maddie said…
on new year's eve. we had the prettiest skybluepink sunset ever!
~Sheryl said…
Specifically marveled? ... yesterday. And man am I ticked I didn't have my camera. The sky looked amazing.

I check out the sky everyday - several times. In the morning on the way to work, anytime I'm out with Hunter (we look for birds) and anytime I am out while it's dark - I always check for the stars and the moon.

Thanks for asking.
dr sardonicus said…
Yesterday it stormed like mad. I brought the grill up on the porch, put on some pork steaks, listened to the Eagles and John Fogerty, and looked up at the sky, the clouds and rain.
Laura said…
July 22nd of 2007, with my head on my husband's shoulder. I wish we had stayed there forever.
On Friday. It was beautifully sunny and glorious. After three days of snow/slush, it was a beautiful sight.

Happy Weekend,

simplypink said…
My New Year's beach day. It's nice to stop and smell the flowers...or look at the sky!
Heidi said…
Yesterday when I was out for a walk with my hus and daughter. We all noticed and complained about the dark clouds that were not forcasted to be there.
Unknown said…
It was sometime in the beginning of the month because we were up in North Carolina and the stars were just absolutely mind blowing. I've never seen them like that before.

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