I Gave Her the Ear Back, Though. Eventually.

One of the things I love most about blogging is the interaction with people that in normal circumstances, I would never have met otherwise. I mean, what are the chances that I would find a twin in Iowa, or the coolest people who live in Northern California? Not the mention the wonderful people in other countries, from Australia to England to Cyprus to Norway to that favorite of mine, Canada.

I had the pleasure of meeting a great Canadian blogger on Saturday morning, Hope. Hope found me quite some time ago, and since she left me that first comment oh so long ago, we have been great bloggy friends.

And can I say how lovely it is to meet people who are even more fun in person than on their blog?

Hope is fabulous. She is cute, smart, witty, and has a great sense of humor. I am all the richer for having met her and gabbing her ear off for two hours in a Starbucks. We chatted like two old friends, and that is how I picture it would be meeting every one of you, my dears. It was wonderful to give her a hug and hear her laughter.

Oh, and I forgive her daughter for thinking that I could possibly be some sort of transvestite kidnapper who set up the meeting so that I could whisk her away and hold her for ransom. I mean, you can never be too careful, right? Luckily for her daughter, I was none of those, and I want to reassure her that Hope kept her promise of never leaving the premises. You know, because once you leave the premises, it just gives the potential kidnapper that much more opportunity to shove you in their waiting getaway car. I totally understand. I'm not insulted in any way. Really.

Anyhoo, I hope you all have a lovely New Year's! I promise to catch up with you all this week! Promise!


Megs said…
It's great when the online friendship is even better in person. Happy New Year, Gina!
Anonymous said…
That's so great and I am so jealous. I have yet to have a bloggy meet up. Guess I am too scary cuz I live near a few bloggers and they don't seem interested in meeting :(
Anonymous said…
Happy New Year!!!!! We are 16mins into 2008 here in Oz. And here I am reading blogs...

I have no life.... LMAO....

Well I would if I had a babysitter!
Liz said…

And waaa, you don't have any favorites on the East Coast??

Happy New Year!
Steph said…
What fun! Happy New Year!!
Anvilcloud said…
We once visited and stayed with, sight unseen, email friends in NH. It worked out well. I think you can get to know people pretty well through what they write over a long time. You can only keep up pretenses for so long, so you get to know who the good people are. And most are, I think. Happy New Year!
dmmgmfm said…
Happy New Year to you and yours as well.

Sunshine said…
You know you're my fav! Next time I get to Scottsdale I'll let you know, you can pop over and kidnap me.
Heather Plett said…
Oooo... lucky you! I got to meet Hope too, and she's just as you describe.
Awesome Mom said…
Back in my single days I was chatting with a guy online that wanted to meet me. I asked him how he knew I was not really a dude that was messing with him. For some reason he stopped chatting with me and didn't want to meet any more. lol

There are a bunch of bloggers that I would love to meet and you are on the top of my list. Too bad it is a so close yet so far away kind of thing.
Laura said…
I just got done watching "Perfect Stranger" which gives one pause on the Internet thing...but only for a second because I have met some of my best friends online. I was a bonafide internet cynic who now is almost addicted to this world...the internet. It really is a huge neighborhood that I love to go for long walks in.

Gina, have yourself a Happy New Year and I hope the year ahead holds everything you desire.
Autumn's Mom said…
Yay! I hope to meet up again with bloggy friends in 2008! Happy new year to you and hubba hubba and Mr. P!
Anonymous said…
Happy New Year Gina! I hope that 2008 is a great year for you and your family.
simplypink said…
Glad you had a nice visit despite the fact that you were a "transvestite kidnapper who set up the meeting so that I could whisk her away and hold her for ransom". HA! You are hilarious!

Happy New Year!
... Paige said…
I'm so glad you are doing better and I'm sure you meant to mention those of us in the great and totally awesome country of Texas.

Happy Healthful and safe new year!
Heidi said…
Happy New Year to you too! I hope one day I can also meet some of my bloggy friend in person, trouble is they all seem to live so far away.
Oh, I am so freaking jealous!!! I love Hope!!! She found me ages ago and I found YOU through her Gina. I can't believe you guys got to meet!!! I'm green with envy.

I just wish I could see a picture of both of you!!!

Have a Happy new Year!!!
How awesome for both of you! I hope to meet some of my bloggy friends in person, too, but don't expect it to happen until I'm back in Canada.

Happy New Year to you and your family.

Mommy dearest said…
Happy New Year!!!
dgm said…
I'm sure Hope thinks as highly of the meeting. Someday, my friend, you and I will meet up in the OC. But only after you've been cleared by my people. :-)
dr sardonicus said…
Happy New Year to you and yours. I know 2007 was a tough one for you in a lot of ways, and hope 2008 is truly happy!
captain corky said…
Very cool that you guys got to meet in person. Happy New Year Gina!
Anonymous said…
I'm happy you finally were well enough to get out and that you met your blogging friend. Have a happy new year.
Mama Bear
Anonymous said…
There's a rare but fun-sounding blogger get together here in Texas and I'm going to have to miss it. And I hate that. Did you take pics at your event? Please post, if you did.
Mrs. G. said…
Hey, I saw that Oprah. Never let the bad guy take you to the second destination. EVER. Hope's girls are smart cookies.

Happy New Year, Gina! Hope 2008 is good to you.
eb said…
You're not a transvestite? Ooops, my bad.

Happy New Year!
Ted said…
Awww yeah...you said I was one of the coolest people in northern CA. :-)

Seriously though, it was great when we finally met up in Berkeley -- even though HH and I were kind of caught up in "guy talk." :-)

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