Holiday Wishes

With all my whining, I am lucky, lucky to be healthy and I would ask that you take a moment to send prayers, good thoughts, positive vibes, or whatever floats your boat to two sets of people.

First, Mrs. Grumpy, a lovely bloggy friend of mine who not only lost her husband and best friend three months ago, her daughter is now in the hospital recovering from surgery. So many burdens to bear in such a short amount of time! Please go over there and send her some support!

And secondly, my BIL's sister and her family, and although they are not related to me by blood, we definitely consider them family. Her husband has just been diagnosed with colon cancer and has begun undergoing chemotherapy and radiation. He is a young man with a young family, and I wish them all the best.

It is so easy to get caught up in all the hustle and stress, but we need to stop and hug our loved ones, don't you think?


J said…
It's always a good idea to remember to count your blessings, and be grateful for what you have. I am wishing only the best for Mrs. Grumpy, her daughter, and your BIL's family.
maddie said…
this year seems to be tougher than any i can remember, especially the past few months. it sure gives a lot to reflect on and be thankful for. i hope your bil's family has a speedy recovery, both physically and emotionally.
Nance said…
Gina, thanks for the perspective.
PRayers to them all.
Liz said…
My best thoughts go out to them.
chichimama said…
I'm so sorry. Thinking of them and hope it all goes as well as it can...
dr sardonicus said…
I'll keep them in my thoughts.
Anonymous said…
I'm on my way over right now. Thanks for the tap on the shoulder.
Suzanne said…
It is so easy to get caught up in all the hustle and stress, but we need to stop and hug our loved ones, don't you think?


Hope your friends and family find a happy ending.
Awesome Mom said…
You are so right. I will be sending good thoughts to your Brother-in-law's sister's family. My grandmother died of colon cancer. It was caught late and she did not have much of a chance, so it is good that they got it early.
Anonymous said…
Will be thinking of all of them. Thankyou for sharing.

I did something incredibly embarrassing today and was just bitching about it on my blog. This has just put it into perspective.

Steph said…
It definitely is way too easy to get caught up in the little things and craziness of everyday life. Thanks for the perspective. Will keep them in my thoughts.
Atasha said…
I totally agree. Thanks for reminding us.
Heidi said…
That was a really nice thing to do for your blog friend and family. I will be thinking of them and sending well wishes to them.
Scout said…
Absolutely right—I have been keeping my girls close lately after a string of unbelievable fatal accidents here involved young drivers. Tragedy is never easy to deal with, but this time of year, it's especially difficult.
Patois42 said…
You are a kind woman to think of others. I will make sure I include them in my prayers tonight.
Laura said…
Thank you so much Gina. It is nice of you to thank.

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