
Ok, just to get everyone straight.

I am Glinda. Glinda is me. If you diss Glinda, you are dissing me, and we will have to take you out back and school you a bit.

I blog over at Teeny Manolo. I suppose that now makes me a WAHM, since it is a job for which I recieve compensation.

And really, I'd like to keep my job. So, go over and check it out. The thing is, I am not forced to write in a voice that isn't mine. Every single thing that Glinda writes, Gina would write. There is no hypocrisy, there is no "selling out" for the man. I am very lucky in that regard.

I have tried to keep the two blogs sort of separate, because I enjoy blowing steam off here, and I wanted to try and keep this as my private place.

But hey, newsflash to Gina, this is the internets, nothing is private!

So, go over there, spread the word about the sweepstakes we are having, and I promise to be just as entertaining over there as I am over here. And for some people, I realize that isn't saying much, but still.


Laura said…
I love Teeny Manolo, and I'm glad you brought it up because I forgot to add it to my bookmarks on this new computer. It was hard to transfer all of that and I have no brain for remembering. The funny thing was (feel free to laugh and poke fun) I thought you were the other one.
captain corky said…
You... You're Glinda?!? I don't believe it! I won't and can't. Next thing you're going to tell me that Clark Kent is Superman. ;)
Awesome Mom said…
Soo you are telling me that you are Glinda? hmmm Well I guess that I can still respect you. Lol jk

I hadn't realized that people did not already know that but then maybe everyone does not stalk you like I do.
Liz said…
Funny, I didn't realize there was any confusion...
Kathie said…
Great blog! I had fun visiting and will do so again.
Blessings from Costa Rica
Cherry said…
People were confused? Is someone giving you a hard time? Or is it because I asked Glinda some questions that were about Gina's family?
I hope I didn't offend.

Just thought that family traditions and stuff might be a writing topic.
Ted said…
But didn't you already post on your Teeny gig? I guess your "disser" isn't a regular reader of both blogs...
Gina said…
My friends, I apologize if I made it seem as if I was annoyed in any way. I'm not! No dissing going on anywhere!

Just some new readers who are a bit confused as to my seeming dual personalites, is all.
Heidi said…
I will definately link Tini in my next post. I knew it was you but didn't really pay enough attention, and I don't want you to lose your job!
Also, I have already posted crazy '60's, '70's, '80's and '90's pictures of myself on my blog. Which one do you want?
Heidi said…
Oops, I mean Teeny!
Patois42 said…
I make it a point of going over there everyday you've got a post 'cause I'm supporting you, baby!
Anonymous said…
Does the kvetch have to have someone teeny in the house to be in the contest? Hmmm? I do love your posts over there. The man is lucky to have the Gina/Glinda.
Granny said…
I knew it was you too. Good luck.

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