Sixth Day Poll

I've only got about four presents left.

How far along are you on your holiday shopping/making?


Awesome Mom said…
Well I have my husband to shop for and a handful of gifts would in theory like to make if I get my crap together and get them done but if I don't it is no biggie. I like to give baked goods to Evan's doctors but I got lucky this year and scored a ton of honey from my inlaw's beehives. Who doesn't love beautiful raw honey? This stuff is gold baby plus the bees do all the work.
Megs said…
I have only 3 people done...3 left to go...and then all stocking stuffers. I'm behind this year.
Liz said…
Almost done. I've done it all online and I'm leaving the in store stuff until I get my Christmas bonus.
Anonymous said…

LALALALALALA I'm not listening!!!!!

I have one lipgloss for my daughters stocking...... thats it.

captain corky said…
I haven't started yet, but my bonus check will be in my account by Monday Morning. Can't wait!!! ;)
chichimama said…
About the same, I think. I know what I am getting everyone, I ust have to shlep to get the last few things that can't be ordered...I'm even 1/2 way done my wrapping! I am so excited to not be stressing about this on top of everything else...
dgm said…
I've started thinking about what I'll get or make for whom, and I bought I small thing for my daughter. I'm ahead of myself this year. Yay!
I have all of the extended family bought and paid for, just waiting for pioneer woman calendars and pika peeks Christmas ornaments to arrive so I can ship them out. Now I only have the very, very important stuff left - husband & kids.
Steph said…
I have one more niece to get something for, and then teacher gifts (which will be homemade). The fact that Chanukah starts on Dec 4th has made me step up my act big time this year! :)
Jess T said…
My brother, boss and co-workers! :) After that, I'm finito!
Ted said…
Um...I'm a guy, so that means I really haven't done anything. :-)
Too, too many. Thanks for reminding me. :)

Heather Plett said…
Oh shut UP! I haven't even started yet. SOOOO behind this year. Sigh.
Sally said…
4 more to go -- Dad, FIL, SIL, and BIL...and some stocking stuffers for hubby.

I had bought some things at the end of last year, and forgot about them...thank goodness I found them before I went and bought more stuff!
Anonymous said…
Uh...I think I've only BOUGHT four presents. Now I'm really depressed.
Autumn's Mom said…
I'm thinking about it. A lot. But I'm only 3 presents in. Bright spot, I think I'm putting my tree up Sunday :D Maybe that will inspire me.
J said…
I'm doing well, but I buy for a lot of people, so I'm not even close to done. Well, close, but not super close. No ideas even for a few folks...
Mrs. G. said…
Not very far...thanks for pointing it out to the internets. Hoping to catch up this weekend.
Nance said…
I'm sorry, but what holiday? As it's not yet December 1st, we are still basking in the glow of Thanksgiving here at the Dept.

I believe in giving each holiday its fair due.

Tomorrow begins a new Holiday Cycle, for which I have yet to begin. I'm not the least bit worried, either. I never am.
ML said…
Holiday shopping? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!
How about none yet.
shut up about that. OK??

Santa dropped off one little something for Mark's stocking. And that's it. OK?


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