A Poll For the Sixth Day of the Week

Seriously, "Friday Poll" is just getting too old for me to type anymore.

And, for anyone from NaBloPoMo, I ALWAYS have a Friday Poll so this isn't some sort of cheating thing. I am of the opinion though, that memes, pictures, and quizzes are not cheating at all. Anyone disagree? If you do, meet me out back and we'll have to fight it out.

Do you take your shower/bath in the morning or at night? Or both?


Awesome Mom said…
I generally shower at night unless I get puked on or something like that. My hair is so thick that it would take me forever to blow dry it. If I shower at night it will be mostly dry in the morning.
Atasha said…
I take one whenever I can. Many times it's mid day. I know that is not answering the question but it is what it is. For instance I haven't had one today as of yet but I will in about 15 minutes. Everyone is asleep and even though I have to take a shower in the kids bathroom tonight I'm taking one.

Suck is the life of a mommy
Shower in the morning. Hate going to bed with wet hair.

Megs said…
Morning. My hair has to be beaten into submission with a blowdryer. If I slept on it, I'd just have to do it again the next morning.
Liz said…
Most of the time in the morning. But if I feel grubby, I'll take another one in the evening.
Steph said…
Typically in the morning. On the rare occasions that I take one in the evening for whatever reason, I usually end up taking another the next morning, because it helps get me moving. I am so not a morning person.
Heather Plett said…
Shower every weekday morning and bath every weekend morning (when I have a little more time for relaxing).

Occasionally, if I'm a little stressed out, I'll take a bath in the evening just to relax.
Jess T said…
Morning! :) I wouldn't wake up without it.
Ted said…
The morning! I can't fully wake up unless I take a shower in the AM. But if I do a bike ride during the day, it's a shower in the PM.
J said…
Usually morning...there are times when I take one at night. It can be very relaxing. ;)
Sunshine said…
Morning, but occasionally afternoon if I take a noon cardio class.
Anvilcloud said…
I did a post or two on this subject years ago, but I am more of an evening showerer although I am not too adamant about it.
You have permission from me and I know that is a lot of authority - to call whatever you want a post! Who makes the rules anyway??

OK, as to your poll.....I usually take one in the mornings or always basically. Sometimes, I also take one at night if I've sweated and feel gross. Always in the mornings though...my hair can't survive if I sleep on it.
ML said…
I take one in the morning (that's when the hair gets washed) and another one at night right before bed (no hair washing).
Candy said…
If I didn't have hair issues, I'd take it at night. We have one shower and four people need to use it in the space of an hour, and it's hell. But the hair, man...what's a girl to do?
maddie said…
it totally depends. if i have to get up super early, i will shower the night before so i can sleep in an extra few minutes. i do enjoy a good bath, so i'll take those at night if i get the urge. but a shower in the morning does wake me up real nice. on the weekends, well, i'm lucky if i bathe at all. HA. kidding. it's usually mid day then.
Quiskaeya said…
When I was working I bathed both in the morning and evening. Now it's sometime in the day. But have no fear, I do bathe daily. lol
Mrs. G. said…
Bath at night. Have a nice weekend. Oh, that's right, you'll be posting.
Piece of Work said…
Hmm. Well, since I rarely shower every day--and not even every other day, at that: sometimes it's morning, sometimes it's evening. Depending on what else is going on at the time.

But I never ever take a bath. Yuck.
Patois42 said…
Definitely not cheating to keep doing what you already do. (Spoken by a person who does something similar on Tuesdays.)

And I'm a morning shower girl because mornings aren't hectic enough around these here parts. Oh, and I have cruddy bed head.
chichimama said…
Two showers a day? Yeah, I am lucky to get one every other day...But generally I take mine mid-morning after my gym visit.
Anonymous said…
Morning shower...after my run. If I have to go someplace else that evening I might shower again, but I usually don't shower before bed.
Hope said…
I drink my second cuppa in the hot tub then shower each morning,
When I want some time to myself I bathe in the evening.
dgm said…
Morning, unless I don't get to work out until the end of the day, then I take one at night, too. The problem with night showering is the hideous hair I wind up with in the morning.d
I am a WAHM so I shower during my lunch hour. That way I don't eat too much for lunch (Ha, that's what I keep telling myself!)
Beenzzz said…
I depends on what is going on that day. I usually shower anywhere between 5:00 pm and 9:00 pm. If I have an appopintment in the morning, then I shower in the morning. I have no set schedule.
Heidi said…
Morning usually,unless I get really dirty or sweaty, not much chance of that happening in November, during the day.
Anonymous said…
Morning person here. Can't sleep on freshly washed hair.
Laura said…
Shower at some point...on a good day. Way to go you! You made it through day two!
dr sardonicus said…
Afternoon or early evening. Keep in mind that most days, I get up around 3 PM and go to bed around 8 AM.
Cherry said…
Before the perm.... night or morning, depending on the days activities. Post perm getting, I HAVE to shower in the morning or face odd kinky wave bed head all day. Why did I get the perm again?

Today though.. last night AND this morning. Walking barefoot in San Francisco because the heels are getting to be too much would drive anyone to shower a few times!
Anonymous said…
Being that I am not a morning person, if I have to go somewhere in the morning, I'll shower at night. I will do anything that I can the night before because I am so-o slow in the morning.
This morning I was going with G to the grocery store when she dropped the children off. Had to leave here at 7:15 so I showered last night and got up at 5:30 so I could wake up slow, drink my coffee, get dressed and have my quiet time.
What is with this hair thing?
Mama Bear

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