Poll for the Day that Starts with "F"

In my family, gift lists are requested for Christmas shopping. If there is anything my family (including my parents, sister, grandparents, the works) dislikes, it is buying something the person won't like. So, we take out the guesswork entirely and make lists for each other.

How about you, does your family make lists/give suggestions or is it all done by intuition?


Awesome Mom said…
Intuition although with my family I will occasionally ask what they want.
We are trying a new method this year: Only buying for the kids (nieces/nephews) and the grandparents (parents), because we got tired of all getting things we didn't really want. I'm not sure how it's going to work out..but we'll see.
Megs said…
We make lists. Though I don't consider them the word of God. If I want to give someone something, I just do. I don't worry about the list.
By the same token, I don't consider my list a list of things I'm sure to get.
With certain people (my mother in law) gifts are arranged months beforehand. With other people (my dreaded sister in law and her husband) we don't get any gifts at all (by mutual agreement as they are fussy and horrible at Christmas and have the worst attitudes in the world) but for my husband he just expects me to KNOW what he'd like. And I never do. He buys me perfect presents and every year I can tell he's making his 'I-don't-like-this-present-but-I'll-pretend-I-do' face when the presents are opened. Oh well.
Liz said…
Lists all the way. On the list for the kids is usually gift cards. which is great for them.
Anonymous said…
I like a list and then I pick up things throughout the year I think they would like.
Patois42 said…
Some people want to know exactly what to get us. Others want to surprise us. Thankfully, the surprisers are smart people and pick out great gifts!
Sue said…
We use Amazon wishlists mainly - then, any time during the year we think of stuff we might like, we just add it to the wishlists.

We also have a wiki-based list system that my brother set up, which allows more flexibility though it's a little more complicated.

With my sons and husband I do ask, but they rarely have any ideas so sometimes I end up using their wishlists too.
Steph said…
Intuition for the most part, though I sometimes ask siblings what their kiddos would like (or run an idea or two by then for input). Growing up, I don't recall ever making lists, but my hubby searched through the Sears book every year picking what he wanted. :)
Scout said…
First, we draw names so you only buy one gift, and everyone emails things that interest them to the entire family, so you have a general idea.
Suzanne said…
A mix of intuition and lists -- it depends on the person and, sometimes, the year. Lists do make life easier, but there is a certain lack of magic when you buy exactly what someone says he/she wants.
I make a list. My mom then blows it off and buys what SHE think I'd like/need/want. She's the same way about wedding registries, baby shower registries. For my wedding, she didn't tell anyone about my registry. told everyone Ineeded a gift card to HOme Depot.

Can you tell I am a little bitter?
J said…
Mostly lists, but not completely. Some intuition. :)
Intuition, which is cruel because the giver has to stress out about what to give and the receiver has to pretend they love it. Very dysfunctional if I do say so myself. This year I am dropping hints on my blog. :o)
Candy said…
I've stopped buying stuff for all the sisters, brothers, nephews, nieces-in-law, grandnephews and grandnieces, their respective cats, dogs and parakeets, and now only really buy for my husband and kids. Oh and the dog and both cats. Cause they're furry and cute.

The kids are required to give me a list but I am not required to follow it. (No, B, you are not getting a Wii for Christmas) Husband couldn't make a list if I glued a pen and paper to his hands.

As for me, it doesn't matter how many lists I make for myself, no one will buy me anything on it anyway.
Beenzzz said…
A mixture of the two. Usually, the best thing to get anyone in the family (minues the kids) are gift certificates.
Ted said…
I would say "written lists" are appreciated by J's family, but my family is more verbal. Usually, it's "What do you want this year" type of question.
We definitely use lists!
Autumn's Mom said…
not about the lists at all. We still do it the old fashioned way and it usually works out pretty well :)
ML said…
A bit of both, I think.
chichimama said…
We do a bit of each, there is always one intuition present, and then one or two "list" presents.
Bammy said…
my lists are easy... a gift card to home depot... cause of all the work i still need to do to the house..my Dad? the same things every year.. "Aww.. I dont need anything".. so.. ya try and out do brothers and sisters for the mother of all gifts... this year.. being unemployed.. the might get cookies.. lol
Cherry said…
Within my own family we wing it and it generally turns out badly.
My husband's family is more of a asking someone else what they will want so it appears to be intuition.

Personally, I'd rather go with no gifts. But you already knew that.
Granny said…
Our family stopped buying gifts for anyone but our own kids years ago (although sometimes I manage small gift certificates for the grandkids who live here and Christmas dinner is always my treat).

With the money crunch and the price of postage, even cards are too much. I email those I can and call the family (my Luddite brother) with no computer.

Honestly, I'm not a grinch but it was just too much and all of us agreed.
Anonymous said…
I make mental lists. (Mainly because I'm mental.) Anyway....at some point I do write it down and check it twice. And then panic right before Christmas because I always overlook something.
Anonymous said…
G & I, who know each other so well, don't need a wish list. She needs help with her Dad's. Probably someone(in Maryland) will call or email after Thanksgiving asking for hints on what we want. I used to mind that but now I just tell them. If they don't want to buy it, they shouldn't ask.
Mama Bear

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