Pointless Points Trivia

Welcome to the Saturday edition of Pointless Points Trivia, where the points don't matter! That's right, just like me attempting to make plans for tonight and tomorrow, they just don't matter!

What is the scientific word for a cat's whiskers?


Cherry said…
NO no way!
I'm first?

Liz said…
Damn it!!

Good job, Cherry!
dr sardonicus said…
I need to get up earlier...
Anonymous said…
wow i never knew before..thanx 4 the info
Steph said…
Who would have known? Not me, for sure. :)
Granny said…
Cherry is the cat's pajamas.

Now there's a good trivia question. Where on earth did that expression come from?
Granny said…
Want to know? Just ask google
See I so knew that. Really. I did. I just didn't get there first.

What's happening with the anniversary plans?

Anonymous said…
I was just going to say "curb feelers", but I have a feeling I'm going to be dead wrong.
Anonymous said…
No idea? But what a great idea - blogging about triviahtt!
Anonymous said…
Ok - I typed too fast and didn't check, sorry about the typos!
Laura said…

I know this because it was one of the words in the National Spelling Bee the year my daughter attended.
Beenzzz said…
Dang it! I'm always too late!!!

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