Over Their Heads

I have gotten some comments, on this blog and the other one, that make me pause for a second. The post I just linked to is not an example of that, I just want you to answer the poll.

Anyhoo, people seem to take me much too seriously for their own good.

I mean, sometimes I write some fairly outrageous things, and I get these tsk tsking responses that leave me scratching my head a bit. I feel badly because I've outraged them or upset them somehow, and really, I am just trying to make them laugh.

Perhaps people are just having a bad day. Perhaps they are in a rush, and only reading like, the first two sentences of each paragraph or something.

I truly try to make it clear when I am joking in a post. Or do I? Maybe I just think I am being very obvious at the sarcasm or irony or just plain lying.

So a word of warning to anyone who reads anything I write, believe me only about 20 40 60 percent of the time and you'll be on the right track.


Cherry said…
Well now I wanna see this tsk-tsking. I don't care who, I'm just curious what might have been taken badly.

You can't feel badly.. ok you can, and I understand as I would too. But at the same time, not everyone is going to get you all of the time, and someone, somewhere will be offended by something.
I think sometimes sarcasm is hard to get on the computer...especially if you are in a hurry and only skim someone's post....
maddie said…
it's your blog. write what you want. no one is forced to read it or like it. if someone gets fussy, it's their problem, not yours. you have a great voice and i love reading what you have to say. if they want to be closed minded and are easily offended, then they live in a sad, boring world.

you're one of my favorite blogs because you say what you think and don't conform to others. you are fresh and honest and i think it's great.
Sunshine said…
Since I'm one of the comments on the post you linked to, you are SO CRAZY for asking if kids should get allowance.


I think I pretty much get your irony/rage/sarcasm. We are hetero lifemates, after all.

But I didn't answer your damn poll because I like to piss you off occasionally.
Awesome Mom said…
Well Gina not everyone gets your sense of humor. I get strange looks all the time in real life, so I know how it feels. Being quirky is too much fun to give up though.
I need to know what tsk-tsking you are referring to! Did we misunderstand something?
Sarcasm can totally misfire on a blog, but I didn't think I'd seen anything really controversial or with such potential here??
Anyway, I promise I'll believe only half of what you say, 'kay?! Seriously. :)

Anonymous said…
In the last month I have had people take me to task about:

Calling Pluto a dwarf planet.

Saying I hate Ugg boots.

Hating mustaches.

I swear a LOT on my blog. Not a peep. I whinge a lot on my blog. Someone gave me a Perfect Post award.

I say LOTS of controversial things and people applaud me.

I mention in passing that Pluto is no longer a planet and people lose their freaking minds......

Write for yourself. If you crack yourself up then that is brilliant. If people take exception then that is their problem, send them the definition of sarcasm and send 'em on their way....
Steph said…
Say what you want (like I really needed to tell you that :)). If they don't like it, they can read elsewhere.
Anvilcloud said…
Sometimes when I attempted subtle humour in the classroom, I was met with very blank looks.
Suzanne said…
Well duh. Many of us know better than to believe ye. Relax. :)
Mrs. G. said…
Actually Gina, I only take a 6.5 percent of what you say seriously. The remaining 93.5 percent of me just has a good time. Thanks for all the laughs.
J said…
I totally want the gossip of who tsk tsk'd,and when. Pathetic, yes?
Heidi said…
I don't ever believe a word your saying. And I would never tsk you even if I did. I would just write about you behind your back.
Laura said…
What do you mean by that???

Seriously though, I confess, lately I sometimes go all serious on someone's post because a thought comes to mind.

I enjoy your dry sense of humor.
Liz said…
Funny, I've never seen any of those comments! Do you delete them?

Hey, at least you get comments!
Autumn's Mom said…
I don't get it either...but I think that's because you and I have a similar humor and take on life and crap. I wouldn't change a thing about ya Gina!
~Sheryl said…
Sarcasm is an art. And with other art forms, not everyone gets it. F*ck em.

Quiskaeya said…
I hear you Gina! Some people just need to chill. I always get a good laugh on your blog. That's one of the reasons I keep coming back and also because of the interesting topics.
ML said…
I love reading your posts, so for the life of me...well, which tsk tsking person has a stick up their a** and not liking your stuff?
Jess T said…

I cannot remember now how I stumbled across your blog, but I can tell you I have been stalking for a bit.

Your profile is pretty straight forward. :) Ever since I read it, I've created a "Gina" voice in my head. It works well for me and I love the sarcasm. :)
Nance said…
kelley--the whole pluto thing really got me irritated. i blogged about it more than a year ago. i still grieve pluto's demotion, but i don't blame anyone specifically. i just think about all the time i devoted to old pluto for my third-grade planet report...wasted. sigh.

gina--i'm sorry i co-opted your blog to chat up kelley. on another note, are you referring to the blogpost-length comment someone left to chastise you about allowing your son to boss you around about the four-sectioned plate? because, wow, even I knew that the point of that post was The Donald impression, and not your son's food proclivities. (Nothin' gets past me.)
Gina said…
Ahhh, the intrigue! It's like my very own whodunit, everyone is so eager to know!

It was not a regular commenter who left the comment I had in mind. Which may have been part of the problem, I suppose.

And to Liz, unless it is clearly some type of spam, I never delete comments, even those I don't agree with, here or over there.
dgm said…
It sounds like you are tsk-tsking the tsk-tsker. For that, I must tsk-tsk you.
dr sardonicus said…
You never know what you'll get in these comment boxes, and that's part of the fun.
Patois42 said…
Come on, out them!
Anonymous said…
No worries: flamewars are great for hits! I'm trying to think of something nasty to say about Clay Aiken, myself. Anyone got anything?

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