Life Lesson #79

An important lesson was learned by me tonight.

It was one that you would have thought I had learned a long time ago.

But, you can benefit from my misfortune.

Don't hold a bunch of semi-wet knives in your hand.

Because one of them is bound to slip.

And cut you where your thumb tendon thingy is.

And make it really hard to type.

Or maybe the lesson should be don't ever be helpful and try to dry the dishes.

Yeah, I like that one better.


Ouch, Gina! Did you need stitches?

I prefer lesson no. 2. Definitely.

Megs said…
Oooh...sorry. Hope you are ok.
Atasha said…
Oh dear. Yesterday, I cut mine also. Although mine is not too bad but why does it hurt so much?

Hope it's feeling better today!
Ortizzle said…
Eek! Hope your thumb tendon thingy did not suffer permanent damage!
Heidi said…
So sorry you hurt your thumb. I think you have a good excuse not to help next time. You can say "No, I can't help cleaning up after, remember what happened to my thumb?!
Autumn's Mom said…
Stupid knives! Sorry Gina. Hope you are having a wonderful holiday :)
J said…
Ouch! Sorry about your war wound.
Patois42 said…
Forevermore, you can point to your war wounds for the dozens of Thanksgivings to come.
Anonymous said…
Owwie!! I sure hope it feels better soon. Also, I hope it doesn't hamper eating of the left-overs!

See? I have priorities.
Liz said…
Yikes! I am a total klutz in the kitchen so I understand completely.
Anonymous said…
yeah, that freaking HURTS!!! Even more so when you get lemon juice in it when you decide to be a martyr and keep going with making a lemon cheesecake that no bastard ends up eating.

*breathe, breathe* Sorry 'bout that!
Ted said…
Wow! Painful lesson, eh? Did you visit the hospital for stitches?
Mrs. G. said…
Ouch. I think this is the type of injury that requires others to do your house work for at least two weeks.
Steph said…
Ouch! I can totally (literally) feel your pain, as that's basically the same spot that I slit my hand last Monday. At least I got out of dish duty, because I can't get my stitches wet.
Awesome Mom said…
Bummer! I hope your thumb feels better soon.

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