I Want to Float Your Boat

Let's just say someone was going to have an internet contest. And let's just say that the entrance "fee" consisted of a link and a blogroll. What prize would you be most likely to want to win?


Awesome Mom said…
Wow that is quite the list of prizes!
Patois42 said…
Er, um, hypothetically speaking, would I have to un-blogroll you and then re-blogroll you to be qualified to enter? Hypotethetically speaking.
J said…
Interesting...is this manolo stuff?
Mark would choke if he knew I voted for a Wii. I want one. Bad.
dgm said…
I voted for the Wii just cuz I think my entire family would enjoy it, but were I a selfish woman I'd take the amazon gift certificate. Or Adobe Photoshop Elements for mac, or a digital SLR.

Since you asked.
Heidi said…
I can't believe I am admitting I don't have an iPod...yet.
Atasha said…
I chose the Amazon GC only because BN wasn't there. I need to get up on my library so that would be my best bet :)
chichimama said…
Ohh! Ohh! Contest! And yes, would we have to unblogroll and re-blogroll???? Because those are great prizes :-)...
Gina said…
To all those concerned, it isn't going to be on this here blog. You can guess which one it is going to be, can't you? You don't think I've got that kind of money, do you?
Anonymous said…
I voted even though I am in Oz and we are never allowed to enter these things anyway *sob*

I am loving that I voted for what all the cool kids seem to want!
dr sardonicus said…
Hey, spending other people's money is fun!
Ted said…
I put myself down for a HD video camera... but that's a long shot, eh?
Anonymous said…
Yeah, baby! Wait...you're already on my blogroll. Is that going to be a problem?
Beenzzz said…
I love gift certificates because you can get whatever you want. My second choise is the Wii.
I chose the Amazon gift certificate cause I REALLY, REALLY need/want a zoom lens for my new camera!!

hypothetically speaking of course..
Quiskaeya said…
Seeing that I'm in the market for a digital camera, you guessed it! But I'll definately be checking in at TM for the contest!
Cherry said…
I went with the Digital Picture Frame because i think they are cool but would never buy one for myself.

But my second choice would be a Wii. With each chance we get to play one we want one more and more.
~Sheryl said…
Amazon GC was my vote. I'm a book whore, I'll admit it. My hubby got a Wii for his birthday, so that would have been a silly choice.

I'm not ashamed to admit it, and I don't have an iPod, but I don't think I would use one.

My 2 cents.
captain corky said…
I voted for the Wii. How do I find out if I won and where do I go?
Hey! If you're in the giving mood, we are wanting a Wii... :o)
Nance said…
My son has a Wii and I suck at it. And I really try my best, especially at the cow racing.
Melodee said…
Also how about:

A Mercedes convertible?

A Dyson vacuum?

Liz said…
I chose "other" 'cause I don't know what half that stuff is!
ooops what is a wii??? I voted for a digital camera Even though I am an aussie.. hehehe and probably not allowed to enter this contest.. lol

I am enjoying your blog.

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