Good Knight, Bad Knight

Is it just me, or is the NaBloPoMo Randomizer not working very well? It doesn't smoothly move from blog to blog, it opens up an entirely new window for each blog, which I'm sorry to say, sucks the big one.

And a free pointer to some of the participants, if the first thing I read on your blog is "Oh, well, I guess I had nothing better to do, and I don't really post a lot but maybe this will inspire me" type of stuff, I will get off your blog as soon as possible. Nothing like enthusiasm to inspire your readers!

The other day, we went to a place called Medieval Times with one of Hubba-hubba's brothers and his family. It is the type of place that is continually made fun of because you eat a roast chicken with your hands (because duh, there were no forks back then! At least, that's the premise they're going on) while you watch some knights joust and pretend to tumble off their horses. But hey, we had a coupon for a free kid with each adult, so we got four kids in for free! A savings of over $170 bucks! Who could resist?

They assign you a particular section, and we just so happened to be in the section of the "bad knight." I have never seen a group of people take such unabashed joy in being bad guys. Uh, myself included. Everyone kept booing our dude, and I didn't feel like sitting down and taking it. So I found myself screeching and cheering and generally behaving like a loon, all without the excuse of having drunk too much alcohol. In fact, I had none and was louder than most.

I don't know if it comes across on the blog, but man, I've got a set of lungs.

Listen, I so rarely get to be the bad guy. I am always on the side of good, the shining beacon of light that everyone looks to for guidance and inspiration. It was so nice to see the other side, if only for a while.

And if you believed those last few sentences, I've got some leftover chicken for you to gnaw on.


...but you ARE a shining beacon of light. hee hee. We have a medevil times here in Dallas..and it is pretty darned fun. Haven't been in years, but had a blast when we did go.

I can't believe it..I'm going to be the first commentor. Man, do I get a prize or something????
We've been to Medieval Times in Toronto. The boys loved it. A little too much. Swords, swords, and more swords. Personally, I could have done without the rubbery chicken, but that's just me.
We were also obnoxiously loud, and *sure* that was the only thing that saved our knight through to the end. Yes!

chichimama said…
We've never been but are thinking that C at least would love it. Although I don't think there is one around here, everyone I know went to it when they were out by you...
Scout said…
Ha! Last spring I went to Dolly Parton's hoe-down place just like this with two entire high school marching bands. Yikes. Our band was on the side of the Union, and we had to root for people who chased baby pigs. That chicken is actually pretty good.
Laura said…
Maybe the bad guy didn't really want to be bad...and you saved him from himself.
Anonymous said…
Ahh, I have nothing better to do, so I guess I will comment... Just kidding.

You a bad guy? RiiiIIIiiight. :) Sounds like a fun time, what did Mr.P think? We have one over here and I wasn't sure if the boys would be too little to go...
Awesome Mom said…
Every day is Medieval times at my house lol

I think it is fun to be a bad guy once in awhile.
Mrs. G. said…
I have always wanted to go to one of these places. You might have noticed, but I love drama. These are the sort of places I feel I could really come out of my shell and let loose.
Unknown said…
Shining sarcastic beacon of life--that's you. Now how 'bout some of that chicken? :-)
maddie said…
hahah! i went there for my 17th birthday. did you go to the one by knott's berry farm? that's the one we went to. i totally love that stuff. i'm glad you guys had so much fun.
Sunshine said… reenacted the scene from "Cable Guy"????

You are TOTALLY the bad knight. Duh.
Heidi said…
That sounds like soo much fun. Of course we don't have one in VT, we don't even have Target.
As for eating with your fingers, I went to a baby shower today and the person cutting pieces of cake was licking her fingers and picking up crumbs from the plate while cutting! Damn, I was really looking forward to cake.
Patois42 said…
We went to a somewhat simlilar place whilst visiting the home country of my beloved last summer. Anyway, yours sounds a lot better 'cause no one let me eat no dead bird with my bare hands. We just got to watch some fake jousting and root for the horses to buck those fake knights off. Also no alcohol or drugs in system.
Liz said…
We have one about an hour away. I've never been but my girls have for field trips and they loved it.
Cherry said…
I've always wanted to go Medieval Times but am too embarrassed to tell anyone, and frankly... rather too cheap. But now you know!

Oh and the Randomizer doesn't do the new window thing for me. I wonder if it's a browser issue.
Anonymous said…
Yeah, Right!!!
Mama Bear

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