Fun and Money!

Teeny Manolo is having a contest. Like you were surprised!

Go here to find out all the info.

Also, is there anyone willing to have a picture of their young selves, dressed in all manner of bad 60's/70's/80's fashion plastered across the internets? Come on, it was so long ago, I promise no one will recognize you!

Also, also, anybody got a question for Glinda? It could be a serious question like the last "Ask Glinda" feature, (although she promises to keep it less lengthy) or it could be totally off the wall. She could really use some blogging material. ;)


Awesome Mom said…
Shoot Gina you are sure asking a lot, although I do have a wealth of awful 80's pictures of me.
Liz said…
I could dig through my old photos...most would probably be '70's.
dmmgmfm said…
I have a question...why did Microsoft take a fairly lovely program like XP and turn it into devil spawn (aka Windows Vista)?
Cherry said…
Contests, Photos, and Questions?
My My! Needy aren't we?

Dear Glinda,
Just because it is the season and I'm curious how parents handle things with their kids at this time of year:
How you do deal with the pressures from Mr. P for Christmas presents? Or does has he hit that stage yet?

What are your families Holiday Traditions? Have you, H-H and Mr. P developed any of your own?
Laura said…
I have an awful 70's and two absolutely HORRID 80's photos of myself that you would be welcome to.
captain corky said…
Fun and money are two great tastes that taste great together!
I have some horrible 80's shots.


email me -
Melodee said…
I linked . . . and I could find a 70s photo if you make it worth my while. ;)
Liz said…
Gina, I sent you a pic today, from 1978.
Mrs. G. said…
Gina, you don't want to see a picture of me in the 80' hair had a permed life of its own. You mentioned the other day that you write for another blog. Is it the Metro Blog. I know I'm a derf. Is it the Teeny Manolo? Help. I'm clueless. I'll go into your archives and investigate.
Patois42 said…
Best I can do is one from the 60s, as a little tyke.
Ask Glinda would be fun. Come on...

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