Freak Show

My sister and I went shopping at a very posh mall last weekend.

We went into a fairly upscale store called "Z Gallerie" just to poke around and see what there was to see.

Well, it turns out, there was quite a bit.

There was a woman in there, putting on a show.

And by that, I mean a woman whose every detail, from her mile high heels to her platinum blonde hair to what I can best describe as a "bedazzled poncho" was calculated to make you look at her.

And look people did.

But not in the way methinks she wanted.

My sister and I could not help but snicker behind her back, as she looked ridiculous but thought she looked awesome. You've seen these people, no? And all of what she had on was most likely very expensive, down to the little Yorkshire Terrier she was carrying in her arms and asking in a loud voice if her "Baby" was feeling ok.

So she flounces around the store, and as we are walking back toward the entrance, we see another lady with a bemused look on her face to match ours.

"That woman needs her head examined," the lady, a complete stranger, told us in a conspiratorial semi-whisper.

And listen, when you can get strangers to whisper about you behind your back while being mere feet away from you, you are doing something very, very, wrong.


Anonymous said…
We have that store here too and unfortunately quite a few women as you described to go with it. It's like a love fest every time I see them. I think what the heck? When I see them and they are thinking the same thing about me.... :)
chichimama said…
I dislike the fact that stores say no dogs, but yet people can carry them in in totes. A is terrified of dogs no matter whether they are in a tote or not.

Don't have that store, and think I am very, very glad...
dgm said…
Those women are alllll over OC. They just make me wonder how it could come to this.
J said…
Seems like a very socal look to me. Don't all of the women dress and act that way? ;)

Z Gallarie is funny...years ago, there was one on the Haight in SF, and it was a funky, trendy place to pick out cheap stuff. Now it's all hoity toity and expensive, not nearly so fun or funky. Sigh.

Then again, I remember when you could go to BeBe and get clothes taht were cute and appropriate for work that wasn't the streetwalker kind...
Jess T said…
That reminds me of the mom who wore a very trampy police woman's costume to the CHUCK E. CHEESE! First, she should not have been wearing the outfit AT ALL and second, IPES! Who are you trying to impress? I don't think the toddlers get it.

Although, maybe the single dads did.
ML said…
Ok, carrying around the dog and calling it "baby" GAG!
Quiskaeya said…
Your description of that eccentric lady is too funny! lol
Scout said…
I have seen people like that--kind of. That kind of woman doesn't appear in Small Town, Ohio, but there are plenty of people who are expecting you to look at them, and plenty of people who inspire whispers.
karla said…
Oh, I LOVE that store. I first stumbled upon it in vegas. Unfortunately, they do not ship to Canada. :(

Every now and then I still check out their website though. They have some really nice stuff.
Mrs. G. said…
This is funny. I always worry that I'm the one people are snickering at. But for the record, I don't own a poncho.
Atasha said…
You painted such a picture in my mind that I couldn't help but to burst out laughing!

They do have some beautiful things. Maybe one day we will be able to afford to furnish our bedroom with some pieces I was drooling over :-)

I see those types in of all places Nordstrom at the mall. I don't think they remember where they're going to when they leave their homes.
That store is freaky. Have one out here too. I avoid it.
Saucy said…
I have indeed spotted these women. However, not in book stores, food markets, antique stores or other places that I frequent. Sometimes I venture into Z Gallerie but they can also be spotted to varying degrees at Juicy Couture buying spoiled teenaged daughters low-rise track pants.
Nance said…
Oh, there's a Z Gallerie at our local "Lifestyle Centre". We in NE Ohio don't get the OC Silicone Clorox Clubbers, though. We get the Leisure Moms with the capris, Chanel sunglasses, Luis V bags, and wedge sandals. I hate them. They squawk on cell phones, lean way over to look at stuff over top of their bug-eyed CC shades, and call everyone "hon." As I slink past them, I murmur "cracked heels" in a sinister, cultured voice.

It's their worst nightmare.
dr sardonicus said…
That Paris Hilton, she sure gets around...
Ted said…
What's Britney Spears doing at Z Gallerie? ;-)
Patois42 said…
Reminds me of an older woman, probably 65 or so, waiting at the airport for the Dallas plane. She was old looking -- worn hard and put away wet -- and she had on cowboy boots and a mini-skirt. I think she trumps your chick.

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