Some Good, Clean Suffering

Yesterday saw me in bed, writhing and moaning.

Get that mind out of the gutter, you. Yes, you. Don't try and look around like you don't know who I'm talking about.

I was writhing and moaning because I wanted to simply give up and burn to a crisp like my body wanted me to by giving me a 102 degree fever. It has been a very long time since I have had a fever that high, and even though my Dad admonished me to go to the doctor because as he stated, "You are killing brain cells!" all I could do was just lay in the bed and shiver.

Today finds me on the mend, although a bit weak. But I'm always a bit weak, whether it be physically or mentally, so I'm used to adjusting as needed.

Tomorrow will find me at the doctor's office for a completely unrelated matter, one in which I hope will not result in some minor surgery. You do not want me to get into the details, so don't ask. And be glad I didn't tell you.

And, because you are my friends, I beg you to go to this link and type in any URL you would like. Maybe this thing has been around for a while and I have been too busy writhing, but I thought this was the funniest thing I'd seen in a while.

Oh, and HaloScan sucks. I have tried to install it manually and through the supposedly handy dandy wizard, and neither has worked. And based on the outrage in the forums, it looks like the admin there has turned tail and abandoned their paying users. So, regular Blogger comments for the forseeable future.

Oh, and I almost forgot, I found my template here for free. I know, you're mad I found it first. I would be mad too.


That link was hysterical. I know another one that provides weird translations for you, but not of entire websites. Very clever.

Hope you feel better soon.
- Heidi
karla said…
Hope you're ok Gina!
J said…
Ugh, Gina, you got the flu! I'm sorry. :( It's going around here, too, though we've been spared thus far.

That link was too funny. :) My blog is so much funnier in Redneck! I may start publishing it that way...hmmmm....
Anonymous said…
Wow! 102? I'm glad you survived with your humor and lucid thoughts intact.

That site you linked to was pretty funny. I wonder what it means when my posts translated into "Moron" don't change from the original. ;-)
Scout said…
Sheesh, EVERYBODY is sick. I have had a sinus headache for over a week but no fever yet. Hope you get well soon.
Autumn's Mom said…
Had the flue a few weeks ago. It was TORTURE. Almost passed out in the bathroom twice. You know you wanted to know that. I'm going to check these links now. Feel better soon sweetie.
... Paige said…
how crazy is that

feel better
Awesome Mom said…
I hope you feel better soon!

You know that I am super envious of your template! I will hold on to the hope that maybe some day you will get tired of it and then I can snag it.
Quiskaeya said…
You poor thing! I hope you are feeling better still. I tried to upload the Colibri template a couple of months ago, but gave up after the knot on my head from banging it with frustration.

Now I'm afraid to try any other, especially after you have lost your comments.
Liz said…
I hope you are feeling better.
Patois42 said…
Lots and lots in your post today. One, hope you feel better. Two, hope the appointment goes well. Three, I'll go check the link out.
Mrs. G. said…
Hope you feel better...that link is hilarious.
I feel for ya with the fever. I'm at home today sick with a migraine, so I can empathize! It sucks to be sick.
Laura said…
I hope you feel better soon. I am glad you found the template first, because I would not have known what to do with it anyway.
Heidi said…
I hope you are feeling better today and don't need surgery for the unrelated matter.
You should take Ibuprofen or Tylenol for any fever over 101F or 38.5C, because over that temp the heat really does do damage to good cells, not just infection bugs. Sorry, nurse in me talking.
Steph said…
Feel better soon! No fun at all. And good luck with you appt.
Nance said…
Being sick sucks. I'm sorry. Feel better soon.

And you can have the worky template. Just reading the desperate and techy jargon comments was enough for me. I'll just fiddle around with the color blender and primitive blogger layout, thanks.
captain corky said…
Who me? Couldn't be. ;)

I prefer the regular comment box. The Halo Scan one was/is way to temperamental.

I Hope you is feeling better!
Dee said…
I pondered long and hard before trying the link (may be I thought it was some crazy spoof) was funny!
I laughed!
Thank you!
Piece of Work said…
Feel better soon! And damn Haloscan--I hate the Blogger word verification. Pshaw.

Love the new template. YOu're so fancy.
Anonymous said…
Please come back was so much easier for me. :(
I'm so computer illiterate that it is a real pain to post comments thru blogger. I know, I know, I must learn how to do all this stuff.
Anonymous said…
Almost forgot, I was so stymied by the no haloscan..Feel better soon and love the new look!
Anonymous said…
Hope you are feeling better soon and all goes well at the doctor's.
maddie said…
i'm so sorry you're sick. that is a bummer. i'm glad you're feeling better today, though.

and i love your new design...and thanks for the link 'cause i updated mine as well. ;)
maddie said…
just gave you props. ;)
Granny said…
Do you remember that rooster cartoon from years ago? I think the character's name was Colonel Foghorn or something like that.

That's what my blog sounded like.

Hope you're doing better.
Hope said…
I have been dodging sick people all week,it's up here too.
Stay well and thanks for not giving us all the gory details.
Anonymous said…
Thanks for the link for templates. I kept wondering why people had such neat ones on blogger.
Mama Bear
chichimama said…
Hope you are feeling better! And that link is hysterical!

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