Poll for Friday

I tend to be a creature of habit, especially when it comes to breakfast. My breakfast is almost always the same, and is mostly carbs, with some protein thrown in grudgingly.

Tell me, what is your normal breakfast?


I am the Queen of Carbs.

When I'm on a health kick, I try to have yogurt and fruit. Which is enjoyable, but not as satisfying as a slice of freshly baked bread with melting butter and some home-made jam.

Hungry now.

- Heidi
Anonymous said…
count me for a carb too. Actually, I think I am going to go toast some homemade bread and slab some butter on it right now...
karla said…
I am also a creature of habit and I think I have eaten the very same breaskfast for like, 15 years or something crazy like that now.

Bagel + Peanut Butter

Sometimes I cut a banana and eat it on top of the peanut butter, or, switch things up with a bit of cream cheese, but my trusty morning bagel is definetely a staple.

Also, I never ever miss breakfast. I always wake up hungry.
Steph said…
If I take the time to eat breakfast (I know, I know...), it's carbs. Either toast with peanut butter, bagel or cereal.
Liz said…
I tend to eat the same breakfast every day for months before switching it up. Right now, it's a 1/2 cup Fiber One cereal with a 1/2 cup of light Soy milk, an apple and a hard-boiled egg.
Anonymous said…
Oh...this is just so sad. Lately, it's been Pop-Tarts.
dgm said…
When I get up, it's 2T of peanut butter dipped in whole roasted flax seeds and topped with honey. Capuccino chaser.
Patois42 said…
For the longest time, it was two pieces of toast with peanut butter and jelly on it. Now, I'm trying to be "better" and lose some belly flab, so it's grapes and a granola bar (Oats & Honey).
Jess T said…
Egg sandwiches! If I don't get the chance, oatmeal. Today, a pizza pocket. I'm pregnant. Need I say more?
Candy said…
Today, I splurged on a Cinnamon Crunch Bagel from Paneras (a place to which I am totally addicted). But usually it's cereal.

I will say, however, that when I was on South Beach and ate protein and vegetables for breakfast (yuck. spit) I lost weight easy and was not hungry during the day. The second I went back to carbs for breakfast I put it all back on again, and by lunch I'm starving. But you ain't gettin' my Honey Nut Cheerios!
J said…
Sadly, I seem to be addicted to bacon and egg hot pockets. Easy to eat, warm and nice protein, no dishes. I also like Cheerios, esp if we have some blueberries hanging around. But when I eat cereal, I'm always hungry a few hours later. I would rather cook eggs, toast, and tomatoes (those don't get cooked), but who wants to start the day with doing dishes? Not me.
Anonymous said…
For years I didn't eat breakfast except on the weekend. I read that you live longer if you eat breakfast so now I eat. If I could, I would try to eat some form of oats every day to help with Cholestrol. I have to have variety. Here's a list. Raisin bread toast with not-butter spray, low-fat Cinnamon/brown sugar poptart, Quacker Breakfast cookie, Pria Bar, 1/2 a bagel with all-fruit, Raisin Bran Crunch with milk, dry Multi-grain Cherios and half a banana. We have a big breakfast on Saturday morning.
Anonymous said…
Coffee (2 cups)...a banana and yogurt. This is not because I love these things (well, I DO love coffee), but because they are easy to eat so early in the morning.
Sally said…
It used to be yogurt with granola or grape nuts, but since I got pregnant, I need something AS SOON AS I WAKE UP! Which means I run out to the kitchen and make one piece of toast with peanut butter and jelly, and a glass of milk. Of course, I'm usually starving again by the time I get to work.
ML said…
It's always eggs and something else - egg burrito, or eggs and hashbrowns, or egg whites and avocados. Those things hold me up for quite a long time.
Autumn's Mom said…
My usual would be string cheese, yogurt and fruit or a hard boiled egg. Now that it's colder I do oatmeal, which I detest, but it sticks to the ribs. I had to give up carbs in the morning, or I would be hungry til lunch!
Awesome Mom said…
Cereal. I am lazy and can barely think about planning something more. My kid's breakfast sucks out all the creative juice I have in the morning.
Piece of Work said…
For me it changes daily, sometimes its cereal, or oatmeal, or cream of wheat. Or a poptart, or eggs and bacon. Or a piece of toast. Occasionally some fruit. Depends on what the kids are having and what's easily accesible!
maddie said…
what is this breakfast of which you speak? *sigh* for me it's coffee on my way to work, which is sad because breakfast is my favorite meal. i do try to eat a big one on the weekends, though. eggs, bacon, toast..mmmm.
anything that will keep me from being hungry. From the traditional breakfast foods: eggs, bacon, pancakes, waffles, sausage, to the not so traditional: pizza, popcorn, even nachos. Lovely huh?
Anonymous said…
Coffee with a little coffee on the side.
Hope said…
here here ....coffee, strong, two sugar, milk, ready when I open my eyes. I rarely eat before 10 30, then it's usually fruit. Like my brain, my stomach kind of has to ease into the day.
Nance said…
I have the Ortizzle special, with cream and sugar.

That's coffee. Twice. I don't do food in the morning. Ick.
Granny said…
I used to eat breakfast only on weekends. The girls ate at school and I'd forget about it.

Now, with Ray on a rather strict meal schedule, I've been eating what he eats. It's as easy to make two of everything.

This morning, it was Mini-wheats, half a grapefruit, and juice. The day before - waffles. Tomorrow - who knows?
captain corky said…
Becasue of my work scheudle dinner is my breakfast and then I eat dinner at 5:00 AM. I don't really eat breakfast food unless I'm at a resturant. I guess eat eggs and bacon sometimes.
Scout said…
I wrote about this very thing not long ago because I was sick and tired of my same old breakfast--eggs and bacon because I need lots of protein. These days, I have been eating Kashi protein cereal. I ran out of milk this morning and had a Special K bar. I prefer the cereal.
whatever fruit breakfast bar sounds good when i am at the checkout line at the cafeteria at work...

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