The Poll For a Fine, Fabulous Friday

Ah, what can I say. I felt like some alliteration.

Have you ever looked at what you've written on your blog and cracked yourself up?

Or is it just me?

And if you are in the mood for some kickin' Halloween music, head on over to Py Korry and get yourself some! Oh, and there just might be some music from yours truly in there somehwere as well.


Awesome Mom said…
All the time!! I am so into myself that I love going back and reading some of my favorite entries.
Megs said…
Naturally! I spend way too much time reading my own blog.
Liz said…
Rarely. I hardly ever read what I've written once I hit publish, unless I am looking for an old post that I am referencing or updating.
I'll look immediately after I post, but then it's out of sight, out of mind.

Unless someone else brings it up. Which rarely happens, now that I think about it. So noone else looks up things on my blog either, apparently. Hmmph!

Not sure I liked this poll AT ALL.

- Heidi :)
chichimama said…
Yep :-). And then I find the typos, and then a vicious cycle begins...
Scout said…
Honestly, yes. But the things I think are really funny, no one else seems to appreciate.
Yes. Is that arrogant?

How are the fires?
Anonymous said…
Yeah! But it's usually when I see a typo in the post. :-)
J said…
Sometimes I crack me up, yes...but I do love going back and reading what I've written. Then I wonder why more people aren't interested in what I have to say. Then I realize it's boring to others, and I give up.
Candy said…

(Because when I read it later it's with the critical eye that asks me why I even bother)
Jess T said…
Nope. :)
ML said…
No, I can't say I have. When I go back and reread my stuff, I usually think it's pretty silly.
Beenzzz said…
Yes! I was rereading some of my stuff and laughed my a$$ off at a few. Some of the comments cracked me up too.
karla said…
Sometimes. But sometimes it makes me shudder.
dgm said…
Oh, sometimes I slay me! But then sometimes I read old stuff and cringe.
maddie said…
all the time. especially when i think i have written something especially witty and no one has commented. i laugh at myself for being a nut.
Granny said…
I see the typos too.

I'm not really witty in print although I've told a few stories about the girls that were funny.

I do go back once in a while and read but usually I'd rather read what others are doing.
Nance said…
Oh, my, yes. I think some of my very best stuff is my earliest stuff when no one was reading. Every so often, I'll link to a Vintage Nance post that I really love just to give it its due.

Everyone should do that. Why else do we have blogs if we don't think we deserve to be read?
dr sardonicus said…
Of course! What's the point of blogging if you can't derive some self-satisfaction from it?

As for typos, that's what the edit function is for. I preview everything, and if I start cringing while I'm reading something in preview I won't post it. I'm kinda like the Neil Young of bloggers - Young allegedly has close to 1000 songs he's written and recorded over the years that he's never released because he feels they're not up to his standards.
Anonymous said…
I do make myself laugh sometimes, but it surprises me when it happens.
Heidi said…
Only when I'm drunk.
Rising Rainbow said…
I love the new look.
Patois42 said…
I know it's Saturday, but I was out most of Friday, so...In answer to the question, I'm going to have to go with GMCountryMama and say, "Only when I'm drunk."
Anonymous said…
Just to let you know, I'm still reading your posts!
Mama Bear
Unknown said…
I am my best (and only) audience. :-)

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