Pointless Points Trivia

Welcome to the I-lost-my-bet-with-Liz edition of Pointless Points Trivia, where the points don't matter! That's right just like my faith in the Yankees beating the Cleveland Indians, they just don't matter!

That's right my friends, I lost my bet that the Yankees would beat the Indians to advance, and so, this post is my punishment. So to speak. I have to admit that the Indians are a great team, and so I will say that they are a great team, and I hope they kick the crud out of the Red Sox. Because nothing makes a Yankee fan more pleased (other than to have the Yanks win) than to see the Sox get beat.

The Cleveland Indians finished the regular season tied for the best win record in baseball with the Boston Red Sox. Very impressive. They are currently playing the Red Sox, with the series tied at 1-1. It should be a pretty exciting series, actually, for baseball fans.

They began as the Blues, turned into the Bronchos, evolved into the Naps, and since 1915 have been known as the Indians. The Indians have only won two World Series titles, one in 1920, the other in 1948. I'd say they're overdue!

Now for the question:

In which year did the Indians franchise begin?


chichimama said…
1901. I'm first!
chichimama said…
Oh. You have comment moderation on. Maybe I'm not. I like the new digs...
chichimama said…
OK so my 1st comment didn't make it through, I was probably beaten to the punch at this point, but I say 1901...
Liz said…
I hope I get this right! My guess is 1901?

Thanks for the post and for being a good sport on our wager!!
The club was founded in 1901 as the Cleveland Blues.
Unknown said…
Err....are you talking about the baseball team or the ACTUAL Indians? Either way, I had no idea. :-)
Heather Plett said…
I haven't got a clue. I just wanted to say I like your new digs!
maddie said…
hmm...i too have no idea about the indians. i know all about the dodgers and giants, though...

and i love your new design!
Steph said…
I have no clue on the Indians, but wanted to comment on the new design. Very pretty! :)
Mrs. G. said…
I love your new design and the penitent nature of your post.
dr sardonicus said…
Before the current Cleveland franchise, there were the Spiders, who set the major-league record for losses with 134 in 1899. That team was so bad it folded after the season (there was also some ownership hanky-panky going on) and is no relation to the current Cleveland franchise, which started in 1901 as charter members of the American League.

I can't win the points, but I can provide some related trivia.
I have no idea. I'm clueless. I do love your new blog look though...
Granny said…
I did well to remember they won the Series in 1948.

And that they hired the second black player in modern Major League history.

Larry Doby. Just a few months after Jackie Robinson.
Gina said…
For some reason it isn't showing properly, because stupid HaloScan wouldn't install, but Chichimama was first. She moves up to tie with AC for first!
Bammy said…
I am in a dilema.. Lets just say.. I was hopin Big papi would get a hit.. while wearing my Cleveland Indians socks.. i am SO torn...

By the way.. got the postcard!! Thank You!!! It offst the electric bill nicely... It has a place of notariety on my entertainment center!!!
Awesome Mom said…
I adore your new template!!! It is beautiful and literary. I got my hands on a copy of Wicked and am loving it.
J said…
OK, so pointless points on a SUNDAY? Totally NOT fair. I was visiting my Grandma...you want me to stop visiting my Grandma for christssake, just so I can sit around in case you might possibly do pointless points?

Harumph. I'm going to buy MYSELF a box of sees. That'll show you.

Liz said…
So, what's the correct answer?

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