On Cussing and Boobs

I have been tagged and/or approved to steal about four different memes, and I think that I shall be saving them all for days in November when I am running a little low on brain batteries.

Crap, I think I'm gonna need more than four.

I find myself using the word crap quite often, I have no idea why.

But I do know that Mr. P keeps saying "Dammit!" and I place the blame squarely on the broad shoulders of his father. He lets that word slip into his vocabulary quite often. Hubba-hubba tried to blame kids at school, but I know better. Every time he tries to do something and it doesn't go right, dammit comes out loud and clear. I suppose it is better than the f-bomb, but still. If I have to give up all my cussing, it's only fair he does the same.

My mother told me to ignore it when Mr. P says it, that he will like getting a reaction. To me, it just seems like tacit approval, and how will I ever win mother of the year if my son goes around his Lutheran preschool bellowing "Dammit" every time he doesn't tag somebody out on the playground? It places my award in some serious jeopardy.

And on a totally different note, because October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, my hetero life partner Sunshine is honoring her friend Teresa, a breast cancer survivor (yay!) by holding a contest. And people, it is so easy to participate. Just go to this post on her blog, and leave a comment that fits the rules listed, which are easy. If you do this by noon Central time Nov. 1, you will have a chance to win a fabulous shirt designed by none other than Mrs. Sunshine herself. And let me tell you, her shirts are awesome, I plan on ordering some for Christmas gifts this year.

So, go now!


My husband has a cussing problem, too, which drives me crazy. So crazy, in fact, I occasionally end up using words I houldn't...hmmm...

When my boys come home with a new word, we discuss a better alternative. Sometimes that works.

- Heidi
dr sardonicus said…
We had a neighbor when I was growing up who was always cussing his kids. "Dammit!", he'd yell at them all the time. "You dumbshit!", loud enough for the whole neighborhood to hear.

One Christmas they got themselves a couple of terrier puppies. Naturally, they named them Dammit and Dumbshit.
captain corky said…
I should really start training now. I have a big time gutter mouth and so does my wife.It wouldn't surprise me if Max's first word was fudge. ;)
Sunshine said…
I loves me some Gina.
Thanks for the chat yesterday, will be hunting you down again when I have more time!!! (Time? What is that?)
Liz said…
I never realized how much I talk to other drivers who do stupid things on the road until my then 2-year old said from her car seat..."come on lady"! They really are little parrots and most of the time it is what they hear at home, not at school.
Patois42 said…
In real life, I curse like a sailor. In mother life, "crap" and "dammit" are about as bad as I get. But I have had to pay out a dollar to each kid for saying the "s" word.
J said…
Hmmm. Maybe you could try telling him that that word is OK at home (I don't think you'll convince him that it isn't, because of his dad), but tell him it's rude to use in public. It might take some practice, but he might learn. Or maybe Hubba hearing him use it in public would make Hubba willing to give it up?

We watched a movie the other day where the character was swearing at his mother. "Apple Sauce!" he said. "Johnny!", said his mother, shocked..."Sorry Mother", said Johnny. HA!
Unknown said…
Great cause, great link my dear! I am still snorting over Hetero Life Partner. :-)
Heidi said…
My son dropped the f-bomb during dinner the other night.OOPS totally my fault, I had had a horrible morning and I am sure I used that word more than once. I am trying to be more careful now. My hus always says "crap" but he doesn't consider it a swear word!
I commented on Sunshines blog. What a great idea!
Quiskaeya said…
Glad to see you posting! Hope all is getting better on the homefront with the fires and all.

LOL at Mr. P.! I know I shouldn't laugh, but you know kids copy everything they see and hear. "Especially" what they know they shouldn't copy.

That contest looks awesome and those shirts are nice! I'll have to pay this blog a visit! Thanks for the heads up.
Scout said…
Poor Mr. P. It's hard enough to know what you can and can't say even as an adult, much less as a kid.
Awesome Mom said…
Even crap is not all that much better. Evan has taken to uttering Oh Crap! You don't realize how often you say some things until you hear your kids repeating it.
Nance said…
When I was a kid, we weren't even allowed to say "crap." I think that's why my mouth is so horrid now. I hope you didn't get "crap" from over at the Dept. I use it quite a bit.

Actually, I'll be glad to take the blame for you, Gina. It would be fun to be known as The Bad Influence.
Mrs. G. said…
That post title just pulled me right in. Cussing? Yep. Boobs? Got 'em. I'm heading over to your friends house right now.
Anonymous said…
My Aunt raised 3 boys and gave me an idea on how to handle the "bad" words. Her idea is if you say no the kids just want to say it more. So she put a limit on where they could talk like that. She limited her area to the bathroom and the backyard. I have just started doing the same thing with Ty and it seems to be working.
Ginger said…
Yes, crap is my word, too, unfortunately.

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