He's for Rent. Semi-Cheap

I know, I am so behind on your blogs, I promise I will catch up soon.

Have I ever told you the process in which I vet my blog posts?

I will sit and write whatever comes into my mind, sometimes I have mulled over a concept throughout the day, and others it will just come to me as I tap away on the keyboard.

So, I will write it all out, perhaps make a few tweaks here and there, and then call Hubba-hubba over to read it.

He will sit down in front of the computer and begin. Sometimes he will laugh, sometimes he won't. He will then turn the chair around and wait for me to ask him what he thought.

"It was good. I liked it."

Ok, so goodnight to Hubba-hubba because by this point it is his bedtime. Off he goes and I sit back down at the computer and rewrite the entire blog post.

Because if there is one thing I have learned in almost four years of blogging is that whenever Hubba-hubba likes a blog post, nobody else will. I have proof. You think I'm kidding. I'm not.

Almost every post that meets with his enthusiastic approval has completely bombed, both on this site and the other. So, I guess he's still useful. I mean, how many people have a live-in Tank-o-Meter for their blogs?


Awesome Mom said…
That is a great litmus test. I never run things that I write about by my husband (I do real time blogging and he is normally at work or asleep when I blog) but I may think about trying it now and then.
Anonymous said…
Maybe we should start a blog post vetting service. Is your husband looking for a part-time job?
Tell me, would he also be reading your actual blog? As in this post?

Heidi :)

PS: I'll say it again - love your template.
Scout said…
Well, at least he comments. My hubba-hubba thinks my stuff is all "la ti da" and basically about nothing. Count yourself lucky.
Steph said…
Too funny. What a great way to test out what you've written :)
dgm said…
And he was hereafter known as The Reverse Oracle.
J said…
That's a great service you got there, and hey, it's FREE!
Sunshine said…
I like all your posts, hubba hubba is crazy. lol
Pendullum said…
I love all your posts....
And my your husband reads your blog?
Nice to have a fan in your house I would say...
Anonymous said…
I agree, your posts rock. I wish I could get hubby to sit down and read mine, he reads only maybe 2 a month and usually by force :)

Nice to have a second pair of eyes to look over before you publish.
Patois42 said…
A "Tank-o-meter." Classically funny. I'm assuming he disliked this post?
Anvilcloud said…
How do you know that a post has bombed? Are you going by number of comments or what? Every now and then (and not often any more) I post a well-written, thoughtful piece which is barely noticed. Then I post something inane and get comments.
Heidi said…
That is so funny. I don't remember reading any of your posts I didn't like. My husband will say he likes all my posts, but makes me read them outloud to him after he begrudgingly(sp?) comes to the computer from wherever he is. I can tell by his face whether he truly liked it or not.
Autumn's Mom said…
Interesting, the hubba-hubba-O-meter. So how much to rent him? haha I mean that only in a bloggy sorta way ;)
Lainey-Paney said…
Um....I rarely put that much thought or effort into a blog post.

I post to vent.
I post to whine.
I post to share my son's bright shining smile with family members.
I post for a wide variety of reasons...but I've never had anyone proof read a single one.
Too much work.
Nance said…
Don't you really find generic comments like "it's good" annoying? I spend the whole first two weeks in my creative writing class actually teaching the students how to comment. I literally will not accept comments like: it was good; I liked it; I could really relate to it; it sounded good, etc. Aaaarrrggghhh.
Snowbear said…
How about your kids, are they ready for SEX? Check out my post, a school in Main thinks so.
Unknown said…
Yet another good reason to keep him around. :-)
Laura said…
I never really told my husband about my blog... and then he found it by googling my DemocraticUnderground username one day. And he said he really liked it, but wanted me to delete stuff about him. Which is why I didn't tell him about it in the first place. I hope you are feeling better.
Anonymous said…
That is so funny! I don't think J ever reads my blog.
Thanks for visiting me.
Mama Bear
Thatis really cool. I wish I had one of those. Wanna lend your hubby out? ha ha
Anonymous said…
Does he know that he's the "Tank O Meter?" :-)

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