A Day Late and a Dollar Short

For Wordless Wednesday, that is. But listen, I have a crappy cruddy camera, but you can still see the color of the moon is totally changed due to all the particles in the air from the fires. It was pretty high up, too.

And, some kook decided to leave a horrible, misspelled comment that was about 50 paragraphs long, so as much as I hate to do it, I have enabled comment moderation.


Beautiful picture. Sad to think about 'why' the colour is so unusual, though.

- Heidi
Suzanne said…
Spooky -- amazing what havoc fires wreak, even in the sky.
J said…
Ugh. I hate those twisty little letters on comments.

Air pollution (fire pollution?) does pretty things to the moon. Pretty sunsets too?
Laura said…
I had one of those (the long, rambling, paragraphs) that I think were politically motivated. That is a beautiful picture. But I feel so badly for all that have lost so much in the fire. I hope you and yours are well.
captain corky said…
How long am I going to have to wait to see my comment now?

I feel so sorry for all those people that lost their homes and everything they had.
Sorry about your comment moderation gig... some people have nothing better to do than leave crappy (use of your word) comments with no meaning. Nice moon, I am going to try to get a shot tonight, but it just started raining here as of yesterday, so hopefully the skies will clear.
dgm said…
Sadly, the smoke does such beautiful things to the sky and sun and moon. I was just staring at the big orange ball this morning.

I promise not to leave mean, rambling comments.
Beenzzz said…
I got one of those comments yesterday too! Was it spam day or something?
The moon literally looks like its on fire. As beautiful as it is, it is only so because of something devastating.
Heidi said…
The moon looks a little freaky but it would make a good Halloween moon. I hope the news was correct in saying that the wind was going to be less today where the fires are.
The moon was soo beautiful in the sky this morning here in Texas. I wanted to whip out my camera and take a pic, but I didn't. Anyway, I just keep thinking about you with all the fires and stuff...

And on the comment moderation thing..don't worry about it. Totally understand. Someone left the same type thing - literally pages long - on mine the other day. It is so irritating.
Autumn's Mom said…
Sigh. A curse on comment spammers and fire starters!
Ted said…
It looks like the fires are getting "under control" in LA, but you're still breathing all that crap in the air. It makes for stunning pictures, but I feel bad for those who have to live in that toxic cloud.
Awesome Mom said…
I love comment moderation, not only does it keep the spam away but it screens the very silly comments that my mom likes to leave now and then.
maddie said…
ooh! that's a spooky moon. i agree that it's sad why the moon is the way it is, but it is cool at the same time.

how are you guys holding up?
ML said…
Wow, an early Halloween moon.
ML said…
Wow, an early halloween moon.
Hope said…
lol, a day late, a dollar short and a few too many words for wordless wednesday.
I'd like to take this opportunity to send an ancient gypsy curse to all the spamholes out there that ruin it for the rest.
Anonymous said…
Love the picture. Hate the fires that added to the beautiful image. Sorry about the inarticulate idiot who felt inclined to leave his/her personal Magna Carta in your comments section, rather than a simple statement. That blows.
Atasha said…
Your picture looked much better than what I was able to take. So bad I won't post it. I did get some video of some palm trees swaying in the wind, before things got crazy and we had to run inside. Hopefully I can get that up soon.

Take care
Ginger said…
Thinkin' and worryin' about you out there in SoCal with all that fire and smoke.
Liz said…
Very cool picture, despite the circumstances. I've seen the moon that color here, but it's from the reflection of the sun.

Ugh...your letters are hard to decipher!!
Nance said…
My little blog doesn't ever get problem commenters. You're just too famous, I guess.
Granny said…
So far I've been pretty lucky with comments.

And probably spoke too soon.
dmmgmfm said…
I love the moon picture. I'm glad you are doing alright.

Anonymous said…
Gosh, could have been me. I've been doing a lot of rambling lately. Great picture. ;)

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