
You see, that is what I love about this new template. I can title my post "Crap" and look at how elegant it looks! The word crap has never looked better!

But really, I am digging this template, even though HaloScan has seen fit not to work on it, so it looks like I have gone two years or so with no comments. That's gonna be confusing for people who are new here. They might even think I made up the leaderboard and links in a sad attempt to mask the fact that no one comes here. I just didn't have time to mess with HaloScan any more today, so I'll give it another go. And less important things, like grocery shopping or laundry might just have to be sacrificed. It'll be so hard to give them up.

I am at heart a book junkie, and I think most people that know me forget that my degree is in English Lit. For some reason, I rarely write about books I read on this blog because I usually think other people do book reviews much better than I ever could. But I almost always have a book lying around.

My favorite genre is fantasy/sci fi, so it makes total sense that I would pick this Hobbit theme. How much do I love the elven writing? And the little scroll thingys? That little Gandalf up there makes me unreasonably happy.

And best of all, the ability to make the word "crap" look beautiful. Yup, me and this template are totally gonna work.


Imagine using 'Crap' as your title and it not offending anyone. Now THAT's a rockin' template.

Good choice!

chichimama said…
Your template really is fabu, for just that reason ;-). And Haloscan self installs on blogger now, unless they took that little feature away...
You're absolutely right. Crap never looked so good. Love the template!
karla said…
Very puuuurty Gina.
J said…
LOVE LOVE LOVE the new template. :)
ML said…
Love your new template! Good choice.
Heidi said…
I just want to jump right into the painting. I love it!
And the Crap looks good too.
Ted said…
Great template! I like it better than the last one -- and I'm partial to blue. :-)
Sunshine said…
You look super purdy in green.
You're new template is berry perdy!
Autumn's Mom said…
Love your new crap Gina the Great.
Beenzzz said…
"Crap" does look beautiful! Oh and I love the Hobbit houses too. There is a rich neighborhood on the upper east side of SLC, where the doors are round and they look like Hobbit homes. I love going for walks in that area. :)
Awesome Mom said…
I will tell you again that it is super beautiful and one that I would steal in a second if I could.

I don't write more about the books I read for the very same reason that you have. Plus I read so many books it is hard to keep track when I go on a reading jag.
Liz said…
Looks good!
Quiskaeya said…
Crap the new "it" word! I'm really digging the crap on your board. I do hope you are able to get your comments back.
Atasha said…
Ooooooh, I love it!
Mrs. G. said…
I'm hoping it se Legolas up there soon. You can always just make comments up:

The New York Times hails Just Another Day as the finest blog in North America.

Robert Ebert gives Just Another Day a big thumbs up!!
Ginger said…
Love the new template!
Granny said…
Crap looks quite distinctive.
Unknown said…
Ok, I'm lame. I don't recall your last template, but I do think this template is LOVELY. Seriously. Especially if it can make crap look good. I'm always on the look out for anything that will make crap look good. :)
Suzanne said…
LOVE it! The elvish writing was always one of my favorite parts of LOTR.
Does that mean saying your blog looks CRAPPY is a complement? hee hee. I seriously think it looks great (and that ain't a load of CRAP.)

~Sheryl said…
Love the new diggs! And of course you know, I'm partial to the word crap... ;)
Suzanne said…
I did not know about this love of yours. We really must exchange favorite authors, my friend.

ps: I love the new template.
Laura said…
Green is my favorite color and I think it looks terrific. Very polished. I am stuck with whichever ready made template came with blogger. I applaud you.
dr sardonicus said…
Crap looks good.

Google comments do not.
captain corky said…
Your blog looks great!
dgm said…
Ooooooh, I like! I'm totally overdue for a makeover, and this inspires me.
Scout said…
I LOVE the new template. For second I thought I had selected the wrong link. Very cool, even when typing "crap."
Nance said…
alright, now i'm pissed. blogger ate my comment from yesterday.

i love the template, where did you get it, i want one, yadda yadda yadda.

geeze, i hate when i have a do-over.
dmmgmfm said…
Wow, love the new look!
Anonymous said…
Hope said…
adore the new look.

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