Bits n' Pieces

That sounds like some sort of dog food, doesn't it? "Come here Buster, come and get your Bits n' Pieces!" For all I know, there already is a dog food with that name out there.

First of all, we now have a betta fish, whose life I am trying desperately to save since I read (thanks to a tip from J) about New Tank Syndrome. Sounds horrific, I know. Well, basically it is a buildup of ammonia in the tank due to levels of good bacteria being too low to neutralize them. So here is Gina, every day changing out 15% of the fish water and dechlorinating it, and keeping it warm to encourage good bacterial growth, blabbity blabbity blah. The fish, dubbed Watermelon the Second, had better appreciate me. Who am I kidding? My own husband and son don't appreciate me, what makes me think a fish is going to come through?

Second of all, if you didn't catch "Pushing Daisies" on ABC last week, make sure to watch it. Excellent. Good, witty dialogue and a love story that made me cry. Seriously. Due to it's intelligence and fairly complicated plotline, it probably won't make it through one season. Ah Arrested Development, how I miss thee.

Third of all, if you are a woman who is looking for a good foundation, look NO FURTHER than i.d. bare escentuals. OH MY GOD! It is so perfect, I have no words to describe it. I got a starter kit at Sephora for $60, but wait, it includes three makeup brushes, a lotion, and three different mineral formulations. I was completely skeptical that a powder could cover up my, er, deficiencies properly, but it makes my skin look utterly fantastic (I know, I'm so modest) and keeps it looking that way for hours upon hours. And it is lightweight, and you never have to worry if it's melting or caking or isn't blended properly. I received no compensation or free product, I just have to tell the world how great it is so that you can look as fabulous as I do.

Fourthly, because I love you all, I will leave you with the song that is my current obesssion. I think it is a year or so old, but never made it onto my radar until very recently. Trust me, I'm making up for lost time. It is such a beautiful, romantic song.

P.S. I should have put that the artist is "Aqualung" (perhaps a nod to Jethro Tull?) and by the travesty that is the recording industry, was just dropped by his record label, Sony. BOO!


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