It's Almost Here

I can hardly wait until fall television starts again.

Well, maybe not because I think there may not be enough hours in the day to do what I need to do and still watch Grey's, Ugly Betty, Men in Trees, Brothers and Sisters and whatever other shows I happen to get hooked on.

It used to be that only a few years ago, I didn't watch much TV at all. I read books and magazines, I chatted on the phone with friends and loved ones. TV was pushed somewhere back between loading the dishwasher and making the bed.

But as I become older, I am finding that I like TV more than I ever did, except perhaps when I was 6 and watched cartoons constantly. I don't know what I would have done with myself if there had been something like The Cartoon Network or Nickelodeon on when I was young. I may not have finished school.

I'm thinking we should invest in a DVR. However, I have heard horror stories about the DVR holding hours and hours of shows that can never be watched in time, and the owner of the DVR feels bad that they can't watch all the shows and either winds up getting rid of them, or skimming though them at the speed of light. Which sort of defeats the purpose, if you ask me.

And people, if I am not pregnant, pray for me, because I cannot make it through the day without a minimum of 12 hours of sleep.


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