Gina Unmasked (Almost)

I have met so many bloggers in real life lately, it has been so liberating. I mean, I am used to toiling here behind the scenes, a faceless entity judged only by the words on paper. I have sort of reveled in the anonymity, but figured maybe people might be a bit curious to see me, as I always enjoy seeing pictures of my bloggy friends.

So I thought perhaps that I would eschew the Cindy Brady picture of my first grade self on the first day of school, and come up with a picture possibly taken in at least the last decade.

But then I thought, no, that's cheating. It needs to be a recent photo, or that is just false advertising. Oh sure, I could put up a picture of me at 28 that looks fabulous, but it doesn't necessarily look like I do now. Yes, it is my face, but I would like to think that all the experiences I have had up until now have shaped the way I look, for good or bad.

Off I went into the photo archives of the computer, attempting to find a picture that didn't make me recoil in horror. And my friends, if it makes me recoil in horror, imagine what it would do to you. I know what I look like, and I can recover from the shock of a bad picture. You on the other hand, I care about you way too much to subject you to that kind of mental stress.

I am usually the person behind the camera, and photos abound of everyone but me. Mr. Personality might think his mother was never there at any holidays or birthday parties, because I am nowhere to be found.

Finally, I found a very recent one that by some miracle featured me and Mr. P. I stared at it for a while, and it dawned on me that I maybe didn't look half bad. I tweaked it a bit with color and exposure settings, and came up with a picture that I was ready to put up. Then I thought, well, let me ask Hubba-hubba first, just to make sure I'm not the only one who thinks this is any good. I mean, he's my husband so he always thinks I'm beautiful, right?

Uh, apparently not so much.

He came home from work and I pulled up the picture.

Me: Ok, so I'm thinking about making this my profile picture. Do you like it? Is it any good? I thought it was kinda good.

Hubba-hubba: (squinting) No. Not really.

Me: Seriously?

Hubba-hubba: Seriously.

So, thanks to him, you're stuck with me and the red ribbons for a while.


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