No More Fish

Interesting title, eh?

I say that because I am no longer going to eat fish.

Sorry, I should have warned you to sit down first.

It's not because fish aren't healthy, or low-fat, or contain all kinds of good acids and such, or even because a grilled halibut steak tastes darn good with some tartar sauce.

I am saying that because I have read this recent Pulitzer Prize winning series on the state of our oceans.

If you don't have the time to read the entire thing, let me give you the short book, a request that Hubba-hubba makes often.

We are polluting our oceans so badly that we are destroying entire tiers of the oceanic food chain. We are overfishing the ocean so badly that we are destroying entire tiers of the oceanic food chain. We are causing people who rely on the fish they catch as the main source of their diet to fall short in being able to feed their families. We are poisoning the fish, and thus, poisoning ourselves. If we continue on the course we have currently set, there will be nothing in the oceans but algae.

And so because I care more about the ocean than I do my liking for halibut, I am going to abstain from the eating of fish. Because I feel that is the least I can do, and on this Earth Day, that is a first step. What troubles me is that even this step is only one of an entire staircase to climb.


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