
I decided to change things around here a bit, and Sunshine, I know you are going to think I copied you, but I have been fiddling with this template for about three weeks!

On to the real story!

Do you remember this post?

Well, I got it for Christmas. Isn't it amazing how much smaller it looks on my wall than the one in the ad? And it is a sad, sad statment on my life that I am only getting around to posting about this today. Well, actually the most accurate statement would be that I am lazy, but let's just forget about that for now.

Here it is:

It impresses me to no end that I have this, and I do indeed feel as if the heavens opened up and sang to me when I first saw it up on my wall. We will also pretend that we do not see the annoying exposed chunk of white plaster, where Hubba-hubba chipped some paint off and failed to remedy it. We will do it for his sake, of course.

But, my real focus is the bear hanging from the chalkboard. Let's look a little closer, shall we?

This was something that Mr. Personality made for me when the school had what they called a "Mom's Love Night." Which actually sounds a little creepy to me. Is it just me?

Anyhoo, we sang songs together and did a craft together, and then were presented with these bears. When the teacher gave it to me with a flourish, my eyes were immediately drawn to the bear's mouth. It isn't a happy, cheerful smile. It's a weird squiggly line which when kids do something similar in art therapy, the teachers huddle together and whisper behind their hands. So, I was already feeling a little odd about it, comparing it to all the other bears with their big, smiling smiles.

Then, there is a little notecard attatched to the bear's hand. Let's get a closeup of what is written on it:

I read it and went, "Whaaa?" What the hell is "really likes me?" Not "my mommy loves me" or like one of the other bears' statement of, "is pretty and always does nice things for me."


So, based on this little project, I suck.


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