The 700 Club

No, not that 700 Club, although monetary donations are most surely welcome. Read my blog and be saved! Hmmm, my tagline may be in need of updating...

Actually, I am writing my 700th blog post. Either I am very pathetic, or very prolific. I missed my Blogiversary last November, so I figured I would at least recognize my 700th post. It is probably going to be quite lame, actually.

I might have mentioned a couple of times that I am a child of the 80's. Just a couple. Anyhoo, the other day I saw a guy walking down the street and my eyes popped out of my head. Does anyone remember when it was the epitome of cool to roll your pants up at the cuffs? Not like, all the way to your knees, but I think two or three rolls was the preferred number. I think the jeans in this picture have the jeans rolled up a bit too high, but you get the idea:

This guy, he was wearing his pants rolled up, just like the good old days! Now he may have been just hot and looking to convert his pants into manpris, but I don't think so. His shoe choice was too deliberate, being old school Converse lace-up low top sneakers, the kind with the rubber tips and bottoms? Like these:

I LOVED that look. It brings back such fond memories of my preppy days where I would roll my jeans up and pair them with little mini-socks and loafers, along with my twinset and collared shirt. I can start being one of the cool kids again!

Allrighty, I think I'm definitely falling on the side of pathetic.


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