Friday Poll

This is what I see when I look out of my bedroom window. This is my favorite view, and I tend not to look out the kitchen windows very much because I mostly see other people's homes.

What is your favorite thing to look at from the windows of your home?

*And, on another note, I have some shameless, shameless pimping of myself to do. The lovely Michelle at Fluttering Butterflies was kind enough to nominate me for the "Best Writing" category in the Share the Love Blog Awards contest being run by Heather at This Woman's World. If you would be so inclined to vote for me, pop over here. With the likes of the excellent blogs I am up against in that category, I would actually just be happy if I got more than the one vote submitted by myself! There are lots of other categories to vote for as well, with Michelle herself being nominated for "Blogger I'd Most Like to Meet" and Karla's Untangling Knots for "Blog I'll Never Stop Reading," Pendullum's Dribblingwitt??? for "Happiest Blog" and Angry Pregnant Lawyer for "Most Thought-Provoking."


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