
Allrighty, for those of you who were nice enough to hazard a guess on the meme, I borrowed the foible of #9 from my sister! For some reason, she refuses to see movies that are sad or have an unhappy ending. She has missed out on some great movies, but that is how she rolls...

So congrats to J, Chris and Hope for being correct!

And, have you noticed the lovely pink button on my sidebar that says "Sunshine's Designs?" Well, that is the website of none other than Sonia, who has also has a fabulous post about her brother and how he dealt with the death of one of his best friends at her personal blog here. Sonia designs and sells shirts and such with Swarovski crystal designs on them, check them out and perhaps you know someone that might enjoy getting something cute!

Thanks to all of you who were so kind and voted for me for the Share the Love Blog awards! All my bloggy friends are wonderful people, I am glad to know you! And, I really think I do know you, because how could I not after reading what you write day after day?

Gina, out...


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