Welcome to the Saturday Night Fever edition of Pointless Points Trivia, where the points don't matter! That's right, just like Hubba-hubba's insistence that he can dance (the mirror doesn't lie, honey), they just don't matter!

I figured, it's Saturday night, I'm tired yet bored at the same time, so why not put up a question that will most likely not be answered until tomorrow morning, thus robbing my theme of any relevance? I'm a risk-taker like that, so what the heck...

Can anyone tell me the name of the country which officially banned the movie "Saturday Night Fever?"

**Wthenrest gets the answer correct with Malaysia! Congratulations on your first appearance on the leader board!


wthenrest said…
I am guessing Malaysia ...do I get a cookie? :0)I don't know why...
oshee said…
it is malaysia

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