13 Songs Meme

So I decided to do this meme because I love J so much, and I loves me my music. Even bad music that I am now embarassed to admit that I liked. But at the time, man, I thought I was so cool.

Billie Jean- Michael Jackson. Now people, remember that this man used to be normal. He used to be the King of Pop! I know you remember. The man didn't sell millions of albums because everyone thought he sucked. I also liked the video on this for some strange reason, even though it was probably one of his most low-key.

Blue Bayou- Linda Ronstadt. Let us hearken back to the days of my early childhood when my Dad really liked Linda Ronstadt. Linda was pretty hot back then, not sure if she was married to Jerry Brown at the point of this song's release. All I know is that I would put it on the tape player and warble right along with her, and to my ears, I was pretty sure I hit those high notes. Looking back, I think not.

Hot Child in the City- Nick Gilder. Who the hell is Nick Gilder, you may ask? Well, a one-hit wonder who brought us this plague of a song that is maddeningly catchy.

Freeze Frame- J. Geils Band. Upon further research, I can find no good reason to like this song.

Sussudio- Phil Collins. Now don't get me wrong, I like Phil Collins, both as a solo artist and with Genesis. But Sussudio? What exactly was this song about? And any time a songwriter comes up with the line, "Su-su-sudio" it means trouble.

Dust in the Wind- Kansas. Another 70's song courtesy of my father, who I clearly remember having a mix tape with this song as the first on side A. It is a bit on the melodramatic side, and I am nothing if not melodramatic.

Blowing Kisses in the Wind- Paula Abdul. Yeah, so sue me. I liked the video too. Hey, come over here and say that to my face... That's what I thought...

The Union of the Snake- Duran Duran. Now I am not embarassed to say that I like Duran Duran. However, this is another song with some of the most incompehensible lyrics known to man. And yet again with the video, where they were prancing around on horses on the beach or some such nonsense which had absolutely nothing to do with snakes, unions or otherwise.

One- Three Dog Night. Back in the day, these guys were hip. I can still hear the piano intro to this one. I think it may have even brought me to tears on occasion. Hey, I already admitted to the melodrama, ok?

Everybody's Workin' For the Weekend- Loverboy. How could you not like Loverboy and call yourself an American? What with the lead singer's penchant for loud and ugly bandanas wrapped around his forehead and shirts open to his navel, it was impossible to resist.

Jack and Diane-John Cougar Mellenkamp or whatever the heck he calls himself these days. "Holdin' on to sixteen as long as you ca-aan." I was only like, 10 when this song came out, but I fantasized that I was Diane, just doin' the best I could.

Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap- ACDC. I'm have a degree in English, and it must have been the dazzling alliteration that this song title contains.

I have saved the most embarassing for last.

Blame it on the Rain- Milli Vanilli. I don't know Lord, I don't know what posessed me. Here I was this sort of alt/new wave person, and I horrified myself when I kept the song on instead of immediately changing it. This is my first public admission of even knowing this song existed, much less liking it.


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