Where'd Gina Go?

Due to a computer that wants to make life extremely complicated for her, Gina will be out until goodness knows when she can find someone to fix it.

--Posted by The Fairy Blogmother


Granny said…
See you later. We'll be here.
Hope said…
I was wondering. See you soon
Anonymous said…
Dang! I just sold one for $100 that was perrfect for blogging....and that's about it!

We'll miss you!
Hope said…
Have you tried unplugging it?
Worked for my washer.
Heather Plett said…
Oh no! Find someone QUICK! The blogosphere won't be the same without you!
Anonymous said…
And she'll be missed...but a grand re-entrance is always exciting!
... Paige said…
I will be watching & waiting (NOT stalking)
Liz said…
Well, that's a big bummer! Hopefully you can find someone soon!
Hope said…
I am still visiting. Everytime i get a chocolate craving i think, hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmI wonder if gina's up and running. Sadly, no. I may just have to break down and speak to my sister in law in Loma Linda. She used to bring me See's candies.
Nah..........I/ll wait.
Liz said…
Now wait a minute Hope! I still plan on giving you a run for the money...er...candy! Don't be licking your chops just yet!
Deb Heller said…
Gina? Gina, who?


Miss ya!
Hurry back. Love hope's comment about unplugging - HAVE you tried that? hee hee
Hope said…
So here's the scoop. By Sunday, if you are not back we are all allowed to post Pointless Point trivia Questions under this comment section. We will randomly assign points and declare winners Gina will buy the candy.
Sound good folks?
Liz said…
Hey Hope! That's a great idea!
Hope said…
Welcome to “The All Day Guest Host Addition of:
Pointless Points Trivia”, where the points DO matter to those of us who love See’s truffles.
As you might have noted, we are doing a little friendly take over of Gina’s comment‘section.
Cause, well, we are missing her and chompin on the bit to win them candies.

So here’s my question to start the day:
Which breed of dog, used heavily in both World Wars because of their strength and loyalty, were severely depleted, and close to extinction?
Hint: I got me one.
The Points…….don’t worry folks, Gina will sort it all out when she gets back!
Liz said…
Ooooh, I think I know! A Chart Polski?

We used to have a greyhound and they look similar.
Hope said…
perhaps, but not what I was looking for. The points decrease with each hint.

These large dogs originated in Begium.

So where's YOUR Guest Host Question??
Liz said…
Okay. Is it the Bouvier des Flandres?

Here's my question:

What famous slogan was originally devised by Patrick O'Keefe for the Society of American Florists?
Hope said…
" Say it with flowers"
How apt.
Liz said…
Ding ding ding! Correct!

Was I right about the Bouvier? I think you and I are the only ones playing! Gotta keep the skills sharp!
Hope said…
sorry, yes you were right about the bouvier. Best darn dog I've ever had.
yeah, well perhaps when gina gets back she'll recoginize that we miss her and reward us accordingly.

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