Friday Fatigue

So here it is, Friday night, and I am wondering why I wrote such a heavy post yesterday. No more heavy! It's the weekend, and heaviness is henceforth banned until further notice!

I am stealing this from Suzanne, even though (sniff, sniff) she didn't tag me. I'll get over it. Some day. Maybe.

I AM wondering why I just ate those cookies.
I WANT more, but I can't have any.
I WISH global warming was a complete bunch of crap.
I HATE motorcyles. Is there anything good about motorcycles?
I MISS the mortgage-free days.
I FEAR global warming isn't a complete bunch of crap.
I HEAR frogs right now. I love hearing the frogs.
I WONDER when my endocrinologist is gonna get my dosage right.
I REGRET the years I lost to hypothyroidism and not knowing what was wrong.
I AM NOT the most humble person around.
I DANCE shakin' my thang. Well, probably with too many thangs shakin'.
I SING loudly and at every opportunity.
I CRY at cheesy commercials when I am PMS'ing. Even radio commercials.
I MAKE WITH MY HANDS awesome baked goods.
I WRITE because it makes me feel better.
I CONFUSE no one. I am very clear. And humble.
I NEED my family.
I SHOULD be more ambitious.
I START things with big intentions.
I FINISH wondering, "What the hell was that?"
I'M GLAD somebody loves me.


Granny said…
Your Suzanne just barely shows up against the background.

I've been tempted to tackle this one and just haven't gotten around to it.

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