Pointless Points Trivia

Welcome to the day-after-Easter edition of Pointless Points Trivia! Where the points don't matter. That's right, just like my attempts to keep my 3 year old from eating too much candy yesterday, they just don't matter!

Da da da dum!

What is the name of the famous ranch that Georgia O'Keefe visited and eventually bought in New Mexico?


Anvilcloud said…
I know it because I googleed it, but that's not fair because I don't even know who she is. So, somebody else can have the glory.
Anvilcloud said…
Hope said…
Ghost Ranch. I googled but I have O'Keefe prints.
... Paige said…
I had no clue, din't google, too lazy I suppose. I knew, just knew some one would know. and yall did!
chichimama said…
That's what I get for not checking in before nap time, LOL.

Happy Easter a day late!
Awesome Mom said…
Again I am way too late on this one. Bummer!
Piece of Work said…
I'm always too late! Darn. Happy Easter!
Gina said…
Because I own the joint, I am going to award the points to both AC and Hope. AC was technically the first person with the answer, he emailed it to me after "bowing out." But Gina doesn't play that way.

But then, here was Hope, thinking that AC was out of the running, and putting up the answer.

They had both Googled, so the point of obtaining the answer by Googling (which is perfectly fine) was moot.

I sat on the fence for a while, and then I thought, these d@^*n points don't matter!

You got a problem with that?

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