Pointless Points Trivia

Welcome to the Monday edition of Pointless Points trivia, where the points don't matter. That's right, just like sequential logic and a three year old, they just don't matter.

Today's question deals with Geography, which is a topic I am interested in, but wouldn't call myself an expert.


Which is the only country in the world whose English name begins with "O"?


Gina said…
Yes! Even though I accidentally buried the post, litchick got it!
... Paige said…
Dadgumit... I left my globe & my world map in my other purse!
See who said blogs are not edu-ma-case-all
Wheres that there line fer the spellin clas?
Suzanne said…
Dang it. I'm obviously going to have to start reading your blog at work if I want to compete in the points game!

Hope said…
Wait a minute.... what about
Oh Canada, it's right there in our National Anthem....
"Ohcanada, our home and native land.....
Awesome Mom said…
My excuse for being slow with the trivia is that my kids are sick. That is my story and I am sticking to it. I don't know what my new one will be when they get better but I will figure something out.
Anvilcloud said…
Oh man! This is sooo coo-ell.
Bobita said…
Awesome post!

Okay...next time...I'm all over this trivia thing!


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