To Comment or Not to Comment?

So I admit, I can be a cowardly commenter.

I don't know exactly why, but there are some blogs where I am intimidated to comment, even though nobody on that blog is particularly intimidating. I should know, too, as a blogger that unless you are trashing the author, comments are almost always appreciated. I always get a secret thrill when reading the comments people are nice enough to leave. You like me, you really like me!

So what gives? I am not what I would call shy, so it isn't that.

Sometimes on the larger blogs, people have already kind of said pretty much everything there is to say about the post. My comment would just be sort of a "Yeah, what they just said!" type, which I dislike to do unless I know the person.

Or perhaps I put too much pressure on myself to be witty and engaging in my comments. I really do try to be entertaining, and sometimes if I can't be, then I just consider discretion to be the better part of valor. Is that a bad thing?

Perhaps it is just the risk, the uncertainty of sending off your personal thoughts out into cyberspace, usually never quite knowing if the author had a little chuckle, or if they immediately hit the "delete" button.

Just know that I pretty much never delete comments.

Unless you are a certain person from Texas, and then sometimes.


Granny said…
Gina, what a great idea for a post. I go through much the same think although I usually say soething even if it's just hi.

Everyone seems so brilliant out there and then there's me. There are only so many ways to say "what an adorable baby, cat, puppy" even though I mean it sincerely when I'm saying it.

I don't like to just lurk because I think bloggers deserve to know someone is out there enjoying what they've said. (If in fact I did - otherwise I go quietly away).

I love receiving comments so please come comment on granny anytime.

Awesome Mom said…
Yeah what she said! lol I am very much the type of person not to say something unless it will add a lot to a conversation. I do love getting comments on my blos and I did notice that once I started comment on other people's blogs they started coming over on to mine. Thanks for that Gina!! In the version of Pride and Prejudice with Colin Firth, Elizabeth says something to the effect that neither of them talk unless they expect to amaze the whole room. That pretty much sums me up. I even avoid commenting unless I am one of the first few to comment because I feel then that my words will get buried.
Liz said…
If I read a blog and see that there are over 50 (!) comments, I don't even bother. I rarely comment on those big bloggers blogs anyways.

I always welcome a comment from you though, Gina!

I never expect that anything I have to say is comment worthy, so each and every one is a pleasure to read!

(why oh why do I have such a hard time reading your word verification letters? They are such a crazy font! Is it a j, or an i? It's all so confusing!)
Anvilcloud said…
Sometimes the comments roll fairly freely, but at other times I can't think of anything to say. I prefer to be a little bit humourous if I can, and I can't always be that way. And I don't know ... like she said ... :)
Suzanne said…
I also refrain from commenting when there are a lot of comments preceding mine, but otherwise I try to comment when I have something to say. Comments on my own blog make me so happy that it's almost embarrassing, so I try to share the love when I can.
Hope said…
Ya, what they said
Deb said…
I just recently started reading and writing blogs, so when I comment, I'm always afraid that I'm somehow breaching blog etiquette.
karla said…
I may as well pipe in here....
Umm..yeah, what they said!
Melodee said…
Sometimes I leave a comment wherever I go . . . unless there are more than a hundred comments before me. I think it's good karma!
Piece of Work said…
Hey! I didn't think you'd be updating since you were away! I try to comment wherever I go, but sometimes I feel tongue-tied--often for reasons that have nothing to do with the post.Then I feel guilty for enjoying something and not "paying" for it, in the form of a comment. Because I LOVE my comments, too.
oshee said…
I leave a comment if I can relate in some way with the post. But I am still relatively new to all this blogging stuff. I know though that I cherish every comment I have ever received. It is more than a 'you like me!' is a 'you really read what I write' thing. I can read the stats on how many visitors I get but that doesn't tell me a thing about them. I love knowing there are others who understand me ...if only for that small moment.
Bobita said…
I know exactly what you mean!!

Some days I am the phantom reader...

Perhaps on those "should I?" comment days...I will experiment with a simple "dito." Hmmmmmm. That might be fun!

... Paige said…
Yes I think ditto is good. It lets you NOT be a lurker (which I have heard was not nice).
So, I'm in Texas is it me? or just every one in Texas. Are we so big as to I don't know... we all don't wear boots ya know. LOL

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