Pointless Points Trivia

Welcome to "Pointless Points Trivia" where the facts are now double-checked and the points don't matter. That's right, the points are like drinking a Diet Coke with your pizza, they just don't matter.

So I love baseball. And since the beginning of the season is imminent, my first question will deal with baseball.

Most people don't realize that one of the hardest things to do in baseball is to pitch a perfect game. In fact, in the last 130 years, only 17 perfect games have occurred.

(Drumroll, please...)

Who was the last pitcher to pitch a perfect game?

*1,000 points for the person who can give the first and last name of the pitcher.


Liz said…
I guess David Cone.

I love baseball too and can't wait until Sunday!
Granny said…
Major league USA?
Granny said…
Randy Johnson?
Gina said…
Granny wins!

Randy Johnson pitched a perfect game back in 2004 with the Ariona Diamondbacks.

Liz, David Cone was the one before him, in 1999. Good guess, though!
Gina said…
Ugh, Arizona...
Liz said…
Nice going granny! All I could think of was David Wells or David Cone. Duh! Randy Johnson (slaps forehead). I forgot about him!
Piece of Work said…
Oh, no! Baseball! I was so sad when my SI came last week and it had baseball on the cover instead of college basketball.

Oh well--baseball does have the ability to drink beer at the stadium over college hoops, and that's a biggie.
Anvilcloud said…
Don't know, but I did see the Don Larsen (Larson?) world series no hitter on a b&w tv way back when. In 57 maybe? Not sure of the year either. He was a Damn Yankee!! :)
Suzanne said…
Damn I'm late for the game! Go granny!

But I'm greatly anticipating Opening Day. Life is better during baseball season.

Melodee said…
I knew it was Randy Johnson. That's gotta count for something.
Granny said…
So - If I pick up enough points do I win a pink Cadillac?

Thanks for your comments on granny. We've had her evaluated and she doesn't fit anywhere exactly. I may have to seek out the big guns if I can get Medi-cal to approve. That's the hardest part. They don't understand how important the mind is.

Penny wise - pound foolish, that's them. They'd throw away a child and build another jail to save a little in the very short term.
Granny said…
P. S. I didn't cheat but I did go back and check google after I left the answer. I thought I knew unless there had been one since him that I missed.

I saw the game (or at least parts of it on tv). - I'm a big Giants fan and so kept up with the D'backs as well. They're in our division.
chichimama said…
Go granny! Man, was I late to the party...
oshee said…
Ah I missed it! I knew this one! I am a HUGE Diamond Backs fan! Of course, look at what has happened to Randy Johnson since he left. So sad. I will try again next time.

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