As with all young children, for a very long time we parents rely on the old "spell the word out" trick for talking about things in front of them that we don't want them to know. Well, our time seems just about up. Hubba-hubba was trying to tell me about an upcoming event in which Santa would be making an appearance. As Mr. P is very much into Christmas this year, we knew that any mention of Santa would bring a long soliliquoy about how Santa is magic and how he makes the toys and how he has a list and on and on and on. And at that moment, we just didn't feel like hearing it. Don't judge people, don't judge. So, Hubba-hubba spelled out "S-A-N-T-A." "Hey, what did you just say?" said the five year old. "Nothing" lied replied his father. "I know what you said, Daddy! You said Santa!" Anybody know a place that sells semaphore flags?
perhaps the same eyes, but alas yours came out red instead of twinkling brown.
Your babe is beautiful!
Little boy smiles are deadly.
Because those are fightin' words...
And argh. Earlier I found myself agreeing with eb and now I'm stepping up to defend her! I don't think she was implying your boy has big ears. I think she was saying he is cute, the same way elves are cute His ears look perfectly normal-sized, whatever that means.
I also want to see a squinty in the sun picture of Mr. Personality. I'll bet he would resemble you even more...