Go East, Old Lady...

So I am pretty much through packing. I think I should write a book on the art of packing using Ziploc baggies. They are so very handy. Actually, I use them for pretty much anything. But, for packing, nothing else will do to put my toiletries and such in. Believe me, I have more than once, not then knowing the power of the Ziploc, opened my luggage to see clothes oozing with facial cleaner or body lotion. They even work beautifully for the smaller pieces of clothing, especially Mr. Personalty's stuff. That way, I can overpack even more!

I am a serial overpacker. Only one trip did I not overpack, and I regretted it the entire trip. It was when Hubba-hubba faked me out and instead of taking me to Vegas, took me to San Francisco instead. He was planning on proposing, and it was very sweet that he tried to pull a switcheroo on me, but yet a little annoying at the same time. I found out the night before or something like that, so only had inappropriate clothes that were clean. The difference in temps between the two cities was going to be something like 30 degrees, so I was a bit distressed to have only shorts and T-shirts. I grabbed whatever clean warm things I had, and wound up actually having to purchase a jacket in SF because it was that cold.

The point of this post was actually not supposed to be a primer on my packing habits, but that I wouldn't be around much this week as we are going to spend some time with my aunt. Mel, my fairy blogmother and friend from Actual Unretouched Photo has been kind enough to agree to post some of my ramblings during my absence. Isn't she a peach?

So, don't write anything fascinating when I am gone. And that's an order.

*Update for J on the mascara- it totally bites! I should have known! Seriously, the LORAC stuff is the best, they just can't keep it in stock.

And as for the color compact, it rocks, but I think I might have to get a different color.


Awesome Mom said…
Ziploc bags rock!!! I never pack without them. Have fun on your trip!!!
Melodee said…
I'm squishy and a little fuzzy, true.
Liz said…
How far east are you going?

Have a good trip!
... Paige said…
Ah the fab zip locks. They are a packers dream. Love them just love 'em. Have fun & be safe
Suzanne said…
Have a good trip!
Anvilcloud said…
Do't miss us to much, eh?
Gina said…
Thanks for the well wishes, everyone! Liz, we are only going to Arizona, so not very far east, but still east!
Jean-Luc Picard said…
Enjoy yourself!
chichimama said…
J said…
Have a lovely time, and THANKS for the heads up on the mascara. I thought of you yesterday when I walked past our local Sephora. I didn't venture, because I didn't want to deal with the 'tude. ;)
Piece of Work said…
Have a great time!!
Hope said…
Have fun. From one chronic overpacker to another, some advice, pack it, you are either gonna need it, miss it, or just want it close. That's why they have wheeled luggage. It's easier for the guys to pull. Can't put my brilliance on hold, so you will have to do some heavy scrolling.
oshee said…
I also always overpack and never regret it. I LOVE to use the ziplocs for packing.
Enjoy your trip!
Suzanne said…
Oh woman, Arizona is NOT east at all. You're just going a little less-west. :)

But I still hope you have a wonderful trip. Mel is a peach indeed.

Heather Plett said…
I'm checking blogs a little belatedly, so you may be gone by now, but I hope you have a wonderful trip!

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