And Now Demographically Challenged to Boot

So tonight at the stroke of midnight, I turn into a pumpkin.

Not just any pumpkin, mind you, but an instantly old, unhip, and unimportant pumpkin. At least according to Madison Avenue.

Yes, I'll turn 35.

No longer will I get to check the little box on the surveys for the 18-34 age group. I'm out. I'm lumped in with the 50 year olds at this point. Although that isn't necessarily a bad thing, I just need some time to readjust. I'm sure come tomorrow, I'll be scratching my head at the commercials and wondering what the fuss is over the Black-Eyed Peas. Well, actually I'm there already, so I'm apparently way past my prime.

Am I now officially too old to have hair that goes down to my mid-back? How about pony tails?

Even in my 20's, I was all about comfort over fashion, so my penchant for wearing only comfortable shoes except to weddings, job interviews, and funerals will suddenly match my age status.

Do I even get any status? I think 35 is an age that is a big deal only to the person who is experiencing it.

I am not anywhere I thought I would be at this age. Hubba-hubba should have been graduating law school and taking the bar exam shortly thereafter. I was supposed to be only now pregnant or trying to get pregnant with our first child. We should have tons of money and a big house with a large backyard.

Then again, according to my pre-teen self, I should already have been a world famous actress, singer, and model. So I guess I am not doing too badly.

But if 40 is the new 30, then damnit, I'm only 25!


Melodee said…
Happy birthday! Better than the alternative! ;)
Liz said…
Happy Birthday, Gina!

I'm trying to remember way back, but I think 35 was a very good year!
Heather Plett said…
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! What's that old adage - you're only as young as you feel?

Hey - I'm inching up to 40, and I now wear comfortable shoes everywhere INCLUDING weddings, funerals and job interviews :-)
blueyedtracy said…
Happy birthday and welcome to the club! I've been at 35 for 6months now, and I'm very used to my un-hip status. You seem pretty hip to me in that you have an ipod, use it regularly and know how to download songs. I have the Ipod (a gift also), but don't really do the rest. Enjoy your day!!
Suzanne said…
Consider yourself fortunate to now be checking the same survey box as me. ;)

Happy happy, Gina. I hope 35 is as great a year for you as it was for me.

chichimama said…
Happy birthday!!!
oshee said…
Happy Birthday! I am enjoying your blog.
dinodoc said…
If it's any consolation, I found 35 a bit hard too. And it terms of comfortable shoes...time for Birkenstocks! I'm even considering wearing them on my job interviews. Happy Birthday!
Piece of Work said…
Happy Birthday, Gina! 35's not so bad, you'll see. 36, on the other hand . . .
Judy said…
Thirty five! Wow!

Does it help if I say that seem young to me?

Happy Birthday!
Hope said…
Happy Birthday.
Enjoyed reading. thanks!
Bobita said…
Happy, Happy Birthday!

I love reading your blog and thought I would leave a note this time around...I can't miss the opportunity to wish a Happy Birthday!
MissKris said…
Hi...just moseyed on over from Mel's place and I'm so glad I did! I'm a first-time visitor and I LOVE it here...can I stay?!? LOL! Ah well, at least you're in the 35-50 group...when I switched over to the above-50 group...well, that felt REALLY weird. I'm 52 now and still getting used to it 'coz INSIDE I feel like 52-going-on-oh-around-17-and-holding. Please stop by my site and get acquainted...the door's always open! And happy birthday...hope it was a great one! :-)
Anonymous said…
ZHappy birthday Gina! I'm hitting 36 this year and am no where near where I thought I'd be but who ever is?
gina said…
Happy Belated Birthday Ms. G! I had a hard time with 35, too. Then it was ok for a while. And now I am freaking a little on the whole 4-0 thing. I am working on being a model by then!
Suzanne said…
How did I miss this? Stupid browser needed to be refreshed (I kept thinking, wow, Gina hasn't written anything since Monday?).

Happy belated birthday! Hope it was terrific. Thirty-five isn't that bad -- it's still mid-thirties, unlike the birthday I am facing in a few months, which will plant me squarely in the late-thirties age bracket.
Gina said…
Ok, I could have sworn I already wrote this, but apparently I didn't. I apologize for not writing this sooner.

Thank you everyone! I appreciate all your kind thoughts, from old friends as well as new.

karla said…
Well, I'm late to get in on the well wishes action, but better late than never right?

Happy Birthday Gina!

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