Smoked Out


This was taken yesterday morning as we left our house.

The wildfire in the National Forest that is less than 7 miles away from us doubled in size last night, and half of my city is under evacucation. I don't think we will be evacuated, but let's just cross our fingers, shall we? Posted by Picasa


chichimama said…
Oh. Fingers crossed for you. Let us know if you need anything...
Suzanne said…
How scary! Definitely crossing my fingers for you.
Liz said…
I saw that on the news this afternoon and thought about you, wondering if you were affected. I'll definitely keep my fingers crossed for you and your family.

Best wishes that all turns out ok and no one gets hurt.
Piece of Work said…
Oh Gina! I didn't realize that you were right there. I'll definitely cross fingers and toes for you.
Suzanne said…
Egad. I, too, thought of you when I heard the news about that fire. Hope it doesn't get any closer to you.

Meanwhile... tell us again why you choose to live in such a volatile geographic area?

Be safe...

Gina said…
Thank you all so much for your concern. I feel so loved!

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