Holiday Hide n' Seek


So I'm feeling silly today! Let's all play a little game. Mr. Personality decided to do a bit of extra tree-trimming all on his own with a common household item.

Who can be the first to find it? Posted by Picasa

Click on the picture to enlarge it.


Anonymous said…
Hi, new here, and new to blogs in general (thanks to my boss making me research blogs, now I know finally what they are) but I think I found it in the picture. Is it a wire wisk? Like for mixing things, and beating eggs?

Good writing, btw!
Melodee said…
Yes, I see that wire whisk, front left. Cute!
Liz said…
Ha, I thought it was a hot dog! Now I see the metal part of the whisk.
Cuppa said…
I saw it and thought it was a clothes pin. Now I see the metal part too.
Suzanne said…
I thought it was a candle. Mel is obviously spending too much time in the kitchen if she recognized a whisk that easily!

Very nice tree, Gina. :)

Gina said…
Well, Bob was the first to spot it, so we have a winner! And welcome, by the way!

Apparently I am a big loser, since it took me over a day to notice it in my own house, three feet away!

It was too easy! I knew I shouldn't have sharpened the picture up! I should have left it all fuzzy... :)

bjesmom- Hello! Thank you for your nice words, compliments will get you far on this blog! I'm sure I'll be at your place sometime later tonight!

Suzanne- Why thank you, my dear!
Gina said…
eb is just jealous because she didn't think of getting those glasses from Disney first!


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