Bloggy Randomness

I am in constant fear that I am plagarizing every time I write an entry. If I get a really great idea, I always think that I have subconsciously stolen it from someone. Many times I get a "jumping off" point from someone's blog where they said something that made me think about a particular topic, and if it is really close, I link. But I am usually too lazy to go back and check, so sorry if you've ever read my blog and thought, that bitch stole my concept!

Hubba-hubba and I have discussed writing a travel blog about SoCal and things to do with kids, but we are just too wussy.

I almost always write my blog at night after Mr. Personality is in bed. Almost always when I am laying in my own bed, I think of a wonderful way I could have worded a sentence that is 100 times better than the one I published. I can count on my hand the number of times I have actually gone back to change it. There's that lazy thing again...

I try not to post too much about politics because invariably, I just get mad. And then that makes other people mad, and it usually just isn't worth it for me. But have no doubts that I am extremely political and am constantly discussing politics with one person or another.

Sometimes I wish I could be one of those wise blog writers. You know, the ones where you leave their blog enlightened and yet contemplative. So far my grandest topic has been short vs. long hair, so I think I've got a ways to go.

I have switched to SiteMeter, and can I just say that I have become heartily obsessed with the World Map feature? Yes, I know whoever it was from Paraguay certainly came to my site by accident, but it still looks cool.

I am hoping to have some suprises for this blog come New Years. But it involves some work and my parents finding and scanning a particular photo for me, so don't hold your breath. For too long, anyway. If you start to feel faint, definitely breathe out. And back in again, of course.


Melodee said…
As if the long vs. short hair thing isn't paramount! Some of us just have to address the really pressing issues. I, for one, admire that about you.
chichimama said…
I fear the plagerizing thing too. And I have a litter of unpublished posts because someone went there first...

And I always end up going back in seconds after I publish. There is something about the blogger interface that doesn't agree with my editing abilities, so as soon as I see it "for real" I find 20 billion edits and changes.

I love your blog. Political and wise are lovely, real is better.
Liz said…
Long vs. short hair is the post that sucked me in after I found you via the "next blog" button. I have stayed ever since!
Heather Plett said…
Yeah, I hear your pain - I always think of better ways of saying something AFTER I've gone to bed too. But the computer is all the way downstairs - way too far away.
Anvilcloud said…
A hard thing for me is to say it well when I think I really have something to say, which doesn't seem to be often. Sometimes, those seemingly good ideas get all fuzzied-up inside me and don't spit out very well.

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